Affirmative Art tips young people to realise their dreams using art

Affirmative Art tips young people to realise their dreams using art

No socializing? no problem. Affirmative Art, a project aimed at creating awareness and empowering dreams of young people got you covered through this lockdown and after.

The Ugandan young-ins seem to be enjoying themselves on social media as they have been already equipped with knowledge to realize their dreams using art as a tool.

Affirmative Art had a motivational message running on NBS TV last August which empowered many Ugandans to focus on their dreams than the pandemic. Its also is currently engaging with quarantined young people through several social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram among others on how they can live their dreams using art.

A team from Affirmative Art has toured USA, Europe, and Africa moving to different social gathering points like universities, institutions, secondary schools, galleries among others empowering people to understand their dreams while using art.

During this lockdown, Affirmative Art is holding live workshops/meetings every Monday, Wednesday and Friday where thousands of people are empowered. The project has so far benefited many people who have realised their purpose (dream) in life.

Established in 2012, Affirmative Art recently conducted an East African Tour (Nov-Dec 2019) where they moved to several countries in the region.

These countries include; Congo, Rwanda, Uganda and Kenya where over 2500 people were empowered.

More young people are however urged to join this amazing experience by using the hashtags #affirmativeart #empoweringdreams on all social platforms and say goodbye to this lockdown boredom.

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