OPINION:38 Years “Jjaja tova ku main ”; What a deterrent by millennials

As Africa’s millennial generations are rightly demanding a role in shaping their own future, surprisingly in Uganda it’s contrary, the same millennial generation is living in self-denial and cheerful contributing to own deterrence and abrogation.
The millennial generation and younger people in Africa are on frontlines and in headlines reclaiming their own future that has been abrogated by elders.
In Uganda the same millennial generation and younger people with short sighted vision for short term gains are working backwards against the rest of Africa.
Younger people whose future as been abrogated are in headlines and on frontlines orchestrating self denial for leadership and promoting the exhausted old generation of Independence days to stay longer against the factual biological factor.
In Uganda the same underprivileged, neglected, semi-illiterate, underemployed and jobless younger people are at the center of self denial, mistrust and distrust of own generation to take on leadership.
I want to remind my fellow millennial generation and all younger people about famous quote of our great grandfather of democracy Nelson Mandela he stated “Sometimes it falls on a generation to be great, you can be that great generation.”
The inspirational freedom fighter and democratic South African icon supposedly meant our millennial's generation that was born between 1981 and 1996 grown into able muscular men and women in the 2000’s.
Whenever, I see younger a man and woman below 40 years chanting slogans like “Jajja Tova Ku Main” prompting me to ask a fundamental question?
what happened to our millennial generation? has it degenerated into own deterrent, self-denial, self-mistrust and distrust?
What happened to the trust that prompted Nelson Mandela’s visionary statements towards our generation as millennials?
Since the start of the 21st century in early 2000’s while still in school to date almost at age of getting grey beards and turning into bald men we are still told “the future is yours “so always asking myself “where and when is the future? I thought the future is now!
In my opinion these are the golden days of life to write our own history as a millennial generation.
Does my millennial generation that cheerful chants “Jjaja tova ku main”forget the life span of human beings and the realities of biology.
Is biology a myth? or it’s reality? do these young men and women chanting “Jjaja tova ku main “ever consider biology as essential to all born?
Do they even know the long-term consequences of their current actions?
Honestly,let’s not joke nor play with biology, our elders may still have strength and wiser but not young anymore.
Some tasks need physical abilities and its natural phenomenon as President Yoweri Museveni himself stated On 12th May 2012 on NTV’s “On Spot” it’s been proven scientifically that after 75 years,One is not capable of leading vigorously although he continues to be active”.
Leadership and governance in society today requires younger people who are able to run around, effectively monitor service delivery,policy performances and efficient supervision of all sectors.
The elders can still remain essential by offering advise, valuable insights just like Baraka Obama,Bill Clinton,George Bush Junior,Tonny Blair respectively.
The millennials are younger hold an advantage of being vigorous,think tankers for innovation and creative thinking over the elders.
Absolutely there is energy for everything, and timings are very crucial as long as you biological being.
However, my area of contention with fellow millennials chanting Jjaja tova ku main is that these elders are truly experienced but it’s very unrealistic and opportunistic for younger people to keep cheering elders to traverse the natural course of life.
If you keep telling someone of 80 years that you still “Emboko”younger then you his enemy number one.
Unfortunately, the Bazukulu chanting Jajja Tova ku Main” may not remember nor did not learn from relay run.
We used to run very fast a distance with speed and vigor,the first runner handed the short stick to a second slightly accelerating speedy colleague and then to the third and so to the forth eventually the best fourth runner would win the race as a result of collective, collaborative efforts that was a succession process;
Whoever designed that athletic sport of 400 meters short marathon race knew that with time human beings age, weaken and our bodies give away.
Scientifically the human body deteriorates with time, however powerful or nutritious one can try to keep up.
The millennials and bazukulu should be mindful that even if they push the elders far too beyond, they cannot overcome biology.
At some point the scientific realities of life catches up,sad reality is “we can accomplish so much but we can not accomplish everything”.
The bazukulu should come to terms of these biological and scientific realities of life instead of adamantly remaining shortsighted.
To avoid future calamities similar to Robert Mugabe,Ignassinnybe Eyademia,Sani Abacha ,Molchor Ndabaye the Bazukulu of Tova ku Main should fore seen and learn from history of political instabilities, economic setbacks that happened in Nigeria after San Abach in 1998,Zimbabwe, Somaliland in 2002,and Burundi.
Therefore, instead of misleading our elders it is prudent upon our millennial generation to trust ourselves for top leadership instead of settling for cheer leading and wheelbarrow pushing.
It is also upon millennial generation to gain confidence and pursue a millennial generation cause during the most critical productive days of life.
The historical elders can continuously offer wise advise to our millennial generation in order stir the country to greater heights.