NUP Muzungu Boss Issues Daming Response on Moses Ssimbwa’s Torture Confession on NRM Day

NUP Muzungu Boss Issues Daming Response on Moses Ssimbwa’s Torture Confession on NRM Day

A National Unity Platform(NUP) top man in Europe has finally released top concealed secrets regarding the man recently paraded in the media claiming to have falsely been used by the party to accuse the government of torturing him for politically motivated reasons.

Moses Ssimbwa, formerly a boda boss rider in Jinja publicly claimed that NUP leaders had swayed him into wrongly accusing the government over a torture that never happened. Seeking forgiveness from Preaident Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, a tearful and remorseful Simbwa said that he had been given money and promised good treatment to be paraded before the media in Nairobi as one of the victims of mass political persecution in Uganda.

Ssimbwa also claimed to be among the witnesses lined up by Kamwokya to testify against President Museveni in the Hague based International Criminal Court shout the case come up for hearing.

In a strongly worded tiktok rebuttal, however, NUP European Union Ambassador, Dr Nico Schoonderwoerd, in a thinly veiled attack castigated Museveni and his Aides who, of all the 2500 torture claimants singled out Simbwa for the fake public confession.

Dr Nico explained that he had personally called Ssimbwa on the 16th of December, 2022 to ascertain his claims that he had been knocked by a police patrol vehicle. However, the claimant started stammering upon a deeper examination action of his uncoordinated account and ultimately hung up the call.

” I called him personally on 16th December 2022 but discovered many glaring gaps in his report. He couldn’t mention the exact month and venue of the accident. When I insisted to know more, he hung up on me. I called again and it’s his wife who picked and also didn’t have a convincing explanation.” Dr Nico asserts.

In the converstaion recording this publication has listened to between Dr. Nico and the woman who claimed to be Ssimbwa’s wife, the latter is heard alleging that her husband was knocked by a police patrol vehicle who licence plate she couldn’t verify, while trailing Bobi Wine who was passing through Jinja. She also asserts that the then enthusiastic and fully health husband had received a call from one police officer warning him not to dare join the Bobi Wine procession last something very bad happens to him.

Ironically, she claimed that the incident happened some time in March, 2021, two months after the elections. Records show that at that time, Mr Wine was in house arrest and wouldn’t have been allowed to travel to Jinja, let alone holding a procession.

Dr Schoonderwoerd adds that the inconsistencies in Simbwa’s claims made the officials smell a rat and resultantly scrapped from the list of victims before it was sent to the ICC.

He, however, thanked the thousands of Ugandans who have courageously and selflessly come out to testify in the attempt to make the Ugandans Government account for its injustices against the country, adding that ” this is no mean thing.”

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