Why Uganda Needs Lady Justice Faridah Bukirwa Back on the Bench – A Stand for Women’s Empowerment

Why Uganda Needs Lady Justice Faridah Bukirwa Back on the Bench – A Stand for Women’s Empowerment

As Uganda’s judiciary faces growing calls to improve efficiency and fairness, one name has consistently risen above the rest: Lady Justice Faridah Bukirwa. Known for her dedication to the rule of law, she is celebrated for her ability to deliver swift and impartial justice. During her tenure at the Jinja High Court, Justice Bukirwa made headlines for clearing an astonishing 1,866 cases in just one year, an achievement that set her apart in the legal community. However, despite this track record, she now finds herself sidelined, sparking widespread concern about the state of women’s empowerment in Uganda.
This is not just a judicial matter; it is a broader issue that touches on the rights and recognition of women in leadership. At a time when Uganda has made significant strides in promoting gender equality, the sidelining of one of the nation’s most accomplished female judges sends a troubling signal. Is this a sign that the progress made by women in Uganda is being undermined?
A Legacy of Leadership and Integrity
Justice Bukirwa’s work has not only earned her respect within the judiciary but also among the communities she served. Her exceptional performance allowed hundreds of families to find closure after years of waiting for justice. She represents the very best of what Uganda’s legal system can offer: integrity, efficiency, and fairness.
Her removal raises pressing questions. How does Uganda, a country known for promoting women’s participation in leadership, justify sidelining a judge with such an impressive record? For many, Justice Bukirwa’s case symbolizes a larger struggle for women’s rights. It threatens to undermine the progress that women have fought so hard to achieve in the corridors of power.
Is the NRM’s Commitment to Women’s Empowerment in Doubt?
The National Resistance Movement (NRM) government has long been praised for its efforts in advancing women’s rights, from increasing female representation in parliament to promoting women to senior leadership roles. However, by allowing the removal of a highly effective female judge, the government risks jeopardizing this hard-won progress.
With elections looming, the NRM must take heed of public sentiment, particularly from regions like Busoga, where Justice Bukirwa’s work has had a profound impact. During the launch of the video conferencing system at the Jinja High Court on September 17, 2024, the community, along with the Principal Judge, Hon. Dr. Flavian Zeija, voiced strong support for her reinstatement. Their calls for action must not be ignored.
A Global Call for Justice and Gender Equality
Justice Bukirwa’s case is not only a national issue but also part of a global conversation about gender equality and the role of women in leadership. As women across Africa and the world continue to challenge gender norms and break barriers, her removal serves as a stark reminder of the obstacles women still face. Now more than ever, it is time for global solidarity. Women’s rights groups, civil society, and international organizations like UN Women and the African Women Leaders Network must unite in calling for her reinstatement.
This is more than just one judge’s fight—it is a fight for every woman striving for recognition, fairness, and equal opportunity in Uganda and beyond.
Defending Judicial Independence and Women’s Rights
At its core, Justice Bukirwa’s sidelining raises critical concerns about both judicial independence and gender equality. Uganda’s judiciary cannot claim to be impartial if its most effective leaders are removed without justification. Nor can we talk about gender equality if women who rise to leadership are cast aside so easily.
Reinstating Lady Justice Bukirwa would send a powerful message about the importance of fairness, transparency, and the empowerment of women in leadership. It would reaffirm Uganda’s commitment to a judiciary that serves the people and a society that supports women’s advancement.
Stand with Justice Bukirwa: A Call to Action
This is a rallying cry to women across Uganda and the world. Join the call for Justice Bukirwa’s reinstatement by using the hashtag #JusticeForBukirwa on social media. Women’s empowerment cannot be a mere slogan—it must be a lived reality. The fight for justice and gender equality depends on our collective voices.
Justice Bukirwa’s reinstatement is not just about restoring one judge to the bench. It is about defending the gains women have made and ensuring that future generations of women leaders are given the respect and opportunity they deserve. Let us stand together to demand justice and equality for all.

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