PLE candidates need reassurance not threats

This week Primary Seven candidates will seat their final exam which is set by Uganda National Examination Board.
This annual exam always comes with a mix of anxiety, worry and also a certain level of excitement. Preparations have been in hire gear by stakeholders to make sure that these exams run smoothly for all.
And with the rain coming down persistently, roads to some exam centres might be rendered impassable. Packwach District leaders have hired boats to transport PLE candidates in areas cut off by flooding water from River Nile Tributaries; Kamia and Kuncwinya. Local authorities say, at least eight villages are cut off and residents can’t access health facilities, schools and market places. The plan is to procure four boats which will cost the council over Shs2million.
It is absurd that it has to come to this but it would be worse if no preparations were put in place for such eventualities so we applaud the local authorities and all stakeholders who thought of this. Hopefully there will be more permanent measures in future.
Hopefully other such challenges have been foreseen and contingency plans put in place to avoid last minute disappointments.
Aside from weather hazards, the exam period is characterized by a lot of anxiety which is usually exacerbated by the stern words from parents, guardians and invigilators.
Now these, unlike harsh weather can be controlled. While this sternness is meant to invoke seriousness and instill the respect of exams in the candidates, it many times ends up rendering the candidates more nervous than confident and can brew unnecessary self-doubt.
It is therefore key to make sure that whatever last minute pep talk we give our candidates boosts confidence not in a vain or false way but in a way that births the will to excel by giving the exams their best shot. It is also key to provide pyschosocial support especially from teachers and parents regardless of how the exams go. Any form of positive reassurance is always a good position to take.
This is not be the right time to remind candidates how much school fees has been spent on them or how their education journey has bankrupted you and how they will burnt at the stake is they don’t ace the exams. Now is the time for reassurance and support. Reminders of how important these exams are are good but not the kind that tend to threats.
To all 2024 PLE candidates, we wish you all the best and pray that this week goes smoothly with little or no encumbrances. Do not be tricked into taking shortcuts to success for instance giving into malpractice of any form. It is time for the hard work you have put in to bear fruit. And remember with God all things are possible. Good luck.