21 Ways to Get Him to Chase You Instead of You Chasing Him

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1 Stop Doing the Chasing. Change Your Perspective on the Game
These tactics can be used at any point in a relationship, from the very beginnings to well into a marriage. If you want to change up the status quo and find ways to get him to chase you instead of you chasing him, it is totally doable. All you need to do is stop. Stop chasing him. There may a bit of a standstill before the tide turns but if he cares about you, rest assured that it will turn.
5 Be Confident. Self Assurance is a Real Turn on
Your confidence is most likely the top personality trait that makes you attractive to your guy. There is something about a woman that is self-assured that men find irresistible. Being confident is something that you have to work at. Know who you are and know your worth. Make him work for the prize of you a little bit.
6 Play Hard to Get; a Little Bit of Mystery Can Go a Long Way
This is an old, old trick but it is still around because it works. You don’t want to be too easy of a prize to achieve. Don’t answer the phone on the first ring. Make him wait just a few minutes while you finish getting ready for a date. Most importantly, have standards and actually be hard to get. When you do this, you will be the one that ends up with the prize, a man of integrity.
7 Be Busy. Make Him Feel Special to Have Won Some of Your Time
This one is to be handled carefully. You don’t want to be too busy. However, you need to have a life and let him know that you do. Letting him be your whole world isn’t good for him or for you. This will only make you more attractive to him.
8 Have Patience ‘Cos Good Things Come to Those Who Wait!
Nothing happens overnight. Like I said, there may be a bit of a standstill before the tide turns. Patience is a virtue, my friends! Give it some time and you'll have him crawling after you!
9 Be Mysterious. That Unknown Quality Will Keep Him Coming Back for More
This ties in with #7 (Be Busy). Be coy about how you're spending all your free time - let him wonder! If he's curious, he'll start paying more attention to you. Unpredictability is exciting and you'll have him going out of his way to chase you!
10 Claim Your Own Life; Be in Control and Good Things Will Follow
While you're waiting for things to change, take control of your own life. Now that you have so much free time, take up a new hobby! Start going out with your friends and just enjoy your life! Put YOU first!
12 Find Happiness in All Other Areas of Your Life First
The more content you are as a human being, the more likely it is that you will start to give off a confident, sexy vibe that is irresistible to the opposite sex. If you seem like a content and satisfied person in the inside and the outside, he will start to chase after you because he’ll be attracted by your self-assuredness.
13 Don’t Be Afraid to Be Sexy. Own Your Body and Your Confidence
Being a sexy woman does not necessarily have to mean wearing skimpy outfits and flaunting your body, it can mean more of a subtle inner confidence and the fact that you are well aware of your self-worth. Having this sexy quality will certainly start to bring all the boys to the yard!
14 Give Him a Glimpse of the Competition
Make him see that it is not going to be a simple task to win your affections. Show him that you are a lady in demand and that he is going to have to do something pretty special to win you over. That is when the true chasing can begin!
15 Don’t Be a Drama Queen. Most Guys Can’t Handle That
A sure fire way to send him running is being too much of a drama queen. Most guys just do not want that level of stress in their lives. Show him that you are a cool, chilled out girl and he might start to make more of an effort in terms of trying to catch your attention and start something moving.
16 Show That You Are Willing to Leave Your Comfort Zone
He will be more inclined to engage in the chase if he feels like you might be willing to embrace some of his interests and passions along with your own. Make yourself open to going to the ball game with him, go and see a movie that he wants to see. Things little things can make a big difference.
18 Be Relaxed about It; Stressing Does You No Good
In fact, it can work in the opposite way. Being anxious about making a guy chase you can look slightly neurotic from the outside, so just be as chilled as possible and you will find that he takes a liking to your laid back attitude.
19 Be Slightly Less Attentive. He Will Miss It!
Take a step back and stop being so attentive to him, he will definitely start to miss the attention and will try to think of ways to be proactive in winning back your main affections. After all, all guys want it somebody to love them!
20 Always Keep Him Wanting More
Until you have fully sealed the deal, some mischievous fun can be had in holding a little of yourself back until his goes into full on chase mode. This could be physical or it could be more emotional, but he will eventually want to experience every single aspect of you