Public Demands Justice After Pastor Clifford Senyonjo Shoots Daughter’s Boyfriend and Walks Free

On Christmas Eve, a tragic event unfolded in the quiet neighbourhood of Kikumbi zone, Bunamwaya Parish, Wakiso District. Pastor Clifford Senyonjo is accused of shooting his daughter’s boyfriend, 24-year-old drummer Allan Muyimbwa, in both legs. This incident has left the community in shock and raised serious questions about justice.
According to reports, the evening began like any other until Allan arrived at Pastor Senyonjo's home for a visit. It was said that after being welcomed by the pastor’s daughter, Allan was led into a guest room. Moments later, witnesses claimed that Pastor Senyonjo entered the room and allegedly shot Allan with his licensed gun. The sound of gunfire prompted worried neighbours to call the police.
When officers from Kikumbi Police Station arrived, they found Allan lying on the floor in a pool of blood. He was later taken to hospital for urgent medical care. Police recovered the pastor’s firearm and two cartridges at the scene, launching an investigation into the incident.
Despite the seriousness of the crime and Allan’s critical condition, it was reported that Pastor Senyonjo was released from custody without facing trial. This unexpected turn of events has caused outrage among local residents, who are questioning how someone charged with attempted murder could be free so easily. Many suspect that the pastor may have used his wealth and influence to secure his release.
When asked about the situation, Kampala Metropolitan Police Spokesperson Patrick Onyango stated that he was unaware of why Pastor Senyonjo had been released without trial. He mentioned, “I wasn’t aware that the pastor was released without trial, but if he was, there could be a reason. I will find out.” However, this response has done little to calm public anger or concern.
As Allan remains in hospital fighting for his life, community members have expressed feelings of fear and frustration. The lack of immediate action against Pastor Senyonjo has raised troubling questions about the fairness of the justice system. Many are left wondering if wealth and power can truly protect someone from facing consequences for their actions.
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06 Jan '25Beth
08 Jan '25Resty
18 Jan '25