Minister Ogwang Challenges Religious Leaders In Lango To Tell Betty Amongi To Back Off Lira City And Let Aceng Be

Sports minister Peter Ogwang has added his voice onto that of Gen Kahinda Otim Otafiire and castigated Betty Amongi for abandoning her Oyam south MP Seat to come to Lira City to antagonize high-performing Jane Ruth Aceng Ocero. She has been MP there for just four years, compared to the 25 years Amongi has spent doing nothing while pretending to be representing the people of Oyam!
Speaking over the weekend to thousands of boda boda riders at Lira Training College grounds, where a large crowd gathered to witness and cheer Aceng getting installed at the new patron for LUMBA which unites boda riders in Lango, Ogwang wondered why Amongi who has done so little as Oyam MP for the last 25 years would all of a sudden come up wanting to antagonize Aceng, who has done so much for Lira City in just 4 years.
Aceng’s achievements, and effective lobbying which has seen hundreds of billions come to Lira City in public infrastructure projects, had been referenced by earlier speakers before Ogwang.
As Sports Minister, Ogwang revealed secrets from State House meetings where hs sat and saw Aceng mount relentless pressure, to which the education minister Janet Museveni responded by cajoling her husband, the president, to prioritize the construction of Akibua stadium which had been a long standing campaign promise of his.
The Akibua stadium, which is coming with tarmacking of several roads and erection of several recreation and training facilities at Lira University, is a 505bn investment, which Ogwang attributed on effective lobbying by leaders like Aceng who was relentless in reminding the president about the sporting facility. Ogwang said that all these achievements, coupled with her anti-coronavirus leadership, explain why Aceng deserves reelection as Woman MP Lira City come 2026.
He said that even God would never forgive the people of Lango if Aceng isn’t reelected with a landslide. That because of her effective leadership during the Coronavirus pandemic, the whole country took note of Aceng’s capabilities and they are very proud of her, noted Ogwang who the people of Lango have since christened Mr. Akibua to depict his role in getting the stadium construction project kick off this very month.
He then turned to fellow Minister Betty Amongi and wondered why anyone in their rightful state of mind would ever abandon their constituency to go and antagonise an effective representative of the people like Jane Aceng (of all people).
“These are two people and both of them are on the dining table seated in the same dining room. How can you the people of Lango afford to lose the minister of health? What are we looking for? What’s our other sister looking for, if we are all already seated on the same dining table inside the same room? Why do you want to force our sister Dr. Jane Aceng out of the dining table? I thank God the people of Lango aren’t going to allow that to happen,” Ogwang said.
“We should ensure that you the people of Lango don’t lose any of these and then begin saying the NRM government doesn’t like you. Don’t go saying the NRM government hates us.”
Ogwang challenged the religious and cultural leaders from Lango sub region to rise to the occasion and prevail on Betty Among to back off the Lira City Woman MP Seat and keep in her lane namely Oyam South.
As the large crowd wildly cheered, Ogwang demanded that the clergy and cultural leaders of the sub region immediately stop opportunism and self-seeking by standing up to ensure that Betty Amongi comes back to her senses and stay in Oyam because with Aceng, Lira City already has the appropriate representation.