Heat Wave to Subside in a Week – Govt

Heat Wave to Subside in a Week – Govt

The scorching heat wave that has gripped Uganda in recent weeks is expected to subside by mid-March, paving the way for the long-awaited rainy season, officials from the Uganda Meteorological Authority and the Ministry of Water and Environment have announced.

Speaking at a press briefing at the Uganda Media Center, experts attributed the extreme temperatures to a combination of natural climatic factors, including the sun’s current position and the typical dry season that stretches from December to February.

They reassured the public that relief is on the way, with gradual cooling expected over the next few days before significant rainfall begins.

According to the forecast, Uganda should brace for peak rainfall between mid-April and May, with the wet season expected to continue until June.

While the rains will provide much-needed relief from the heat, officials warned of associated risks such as waterlogging, an increase in pests and diseases, and potential crop destruction, which could affect food security.

Farmers, especially those in flood-prone areas, have been urged to prepare for the upcoming rains by adopting measures such as improved drainage systems and timely planting to minimize losses.

Urban dwellers were also advised to ensure proper waste disposal to prevent blocked drainage systems, which often lead to flooding in major towns and cities.

“The current heat wave is part of the annual weather cycle, but we acknowledge that it has been particularly intense this year. We urge Ugandans to stay hydrated and take necessary precautions until the rains stabilize temperatures,” Alfred Okidi, the permanent secretary at the Ministry of Water and Environment said.

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