“I will Guard My Speakership Position Jealously”-says Anita Among

Speaker Anita Among has vowed to guard her speakership position jealously indicating that she has worked to hard to be where she is and will take on whoever points any negative energy on her way while serving her country.
Anita Among who is currently the only speaker of parliament across the world on the sanction list of the United Kingdom and the United States is yet to come to terms with the claims by the UK that she owns a house in a London ascended to speakership after the death of the then Speaker Jacob Lo’kori Oulanyah who succumbed to cancer in March 2022.
Anita Among was Oulanyah’s Deputy but even when she was his deputy she presided over most of the parliamentary sittings through out the first session of the 11th parliament. She resigned from Deputy speakership and vied for Speakership which she won with a landslide. Tayebwa who was Government Chief Whip also resigned and took on Deputy Speakership.
Anita Among who is the Bukedea Woman MP and Thomas Tayebwa have both raised through the political ranks and crossed from the Forum for Democratic Change. Both wield power and wealth and political influence currently.
While Speaking at the the launch of the Uganda Parliamentary Forum to End Child Marriage and Teenage Pregnancy has vowed to jealously guard her seat as Speaker of Parliament, saying she worked hard as a house girl, local brew seller and cleaner at Centenary Bank after running from home following rejection by her Father who wanted to force her into early marriage like he did to her older sister.
The tough speaking Anita Among at the launch also rejected the call for use of contraceptives among teenagers, saying despite the poverty, the girls should know what they want in life and delay to have children.
“He only accepted that I am his kid now that I am working. So I educated myself from primary to University. I paid my fees from S.6 that I went to Centenary Bank to look for a job. I said there is no man that will lie to me that let me give you money. I went and became a cleaner in Centenary Bank, we were just on vacation, but I had to prove myself that I can work but because of the hard work and commitment that I had, I was made a cashier”- Speaker Among