Minister Babalanda orders suspension of errant Buikwe RDC

Minister Babalanda orders suspension of errant Buikwe RDC

Minister Mutasingwa (right) intervened to stop RDC Namugenyi in Buikwe last month | Herbert Sseryazi

Ms Hawa Namugenyi was at the centre of an ugly eviction incident last month that drew the attention of Buikwe Woman MP Diana Mutasingwa

BUIKWE | The Minister for the Presidency, Ms Milly Babalanda, has directed Hajj Yunus Kakande, the the secretary in the Office of the President, to recall Buikwe Resident District Commissioner Hawa Namugenyi from her duty station.

In a July 1 letter, Ms Babalanda, whose docket oversees the RDCs, directed for "immediate transfer" of RDC Namugenyi to headquarters.

Ms Namugenyi has been placed on 'katebe' - a euphemism for nondeployment - until a detailed report on her behaviour while executing her duties is provided.

"The President will be consulted for final decision on the matter following completion of the detailed report," Babalanda said.

RDCs are presidential appointees who represent his interest at the local government.

Ms Namugenyi bit more than she could chew on June 13 when she mobilised a team of security personnel comprising army and police officers and self-claimed bailiffs to demolish a house belonging to Simon Herbart Alideki.

Mr Alideki and his sister Stella Nambi had earlier petitioned the High Court in Fort Portal challenging the "unfair" distribution of properties of their late father Simon Peter Kasikisa by their siblings from another mother.

Despite a court injunction, RDC Namugenyi moved ahead with the eviction, only for Ms Diana Mutasingwa, the state minister in the Office of the Vice-President, to intervene.

“I am calling Minister Babalanda. What kind of nonsense is this? You people are sent to represent the President but instead you're misrepresenting him. What makes it hard for you to wait for the court decision to implement the eviction? Who paid you?” Ms Mutasingwa demanded.

The minister is also the Buikwe Woman MP and was in Njeru Municipality during the eviction in which the RDC could not produce an eviction order or minutes of the district security committee on the same.

In her directive to Hajj Kakande, Minister Babalanda said a "hot exchange" that transpired between the RDC and Minister Mutasingwa had "caused much public debate where the office of the President was deeply discredited".

"A detailed report should be produced on the issue as per my earlier guidance to you," Ms Babalanda told Hajj Kakande in the letter copied to the President, Vice-President, Prime Minister and Minister Mutasingwa.

"As an interim measure, the Deputy RDC of Buikwe should take charge of the RDC office," she added.

RDC Namugenyi's woes got grotesquely twisted on June 22 when residents from different villages in Buikwe stormed the district headquarters protesting her alleged dubious dealings.

The residents accused the RDC of soliciting money ranging from Shs2 to Shs3 million to address their concerns.

The angry residents said Ms Namugenyi always collects money through his deputy and sometimes secretaries

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