Hon. Jennifer Muheesi Rallies Kazo Residents to Embrace Wealth Creation Through Commercial Agriculture

Hon. Jennifer Muheesi Rallies Kazo Residents to Embrace Wealth Creation Through Commercial Agriculture

Hon. Jennifer Muheesi has once again called upon the residents of Kazo District to embrace commercial agriculture with “ekibaro,” a term meaning calculation, to create wealth and improve their livelihoods.

Speaking to a congregation at a recent church gathering, she emphasized the importance of economic productivity and echoed President Museveni’s message on wealth creation.

“Some people don’t know our history very well, but this part of the world is mainly a place of wealth creators,” Hon. Muheesi told the congregation. “In the villages, if you don’t work for wealth, they call you a vagabond,” she added, highlighting the longstanding culture of hard work and productivity in the region.

Hon. Muheesi, a staunch advocate of President Museveni’s economic policies, used the platform to encourage Kazo residents to heed the President’s advice on commercial agriculture, which has been a cornerstone of his administration’s development agenda.


She pointed out that while the money economy in Uganda has grown from a mere 4 percent in 1969 to 68 percent today, there is still much work to be done to ensure that more Ugandans are active participants in the economy.

“For the economy, we don’t need spectators. We need all people to be players. Seeing some people spectating while others are making money—that’s not acceptable,” she said. She reiterated that the National Resistance Movement (NRM) government is focused on the politics of economics and wealth creation, rejecting parasitism and sectarianism in favour of hard work and economic empowerment.

Her call to action was a clear reflection of the NRM’s longstanding efforts to uplift Ugandans through agricultural initiatives, and she urged the people of Kazo to rally behind President Museveni in the 2026 elections.

She praised his leadership in steering the country towards economic transformation and encouraged the district’s residents to support his vision for a prosperous Uganda.

Hon. Muheesi during a recent church congregation

Recently, President Museveni addressed the nation, detailing how Uganda could achieve tremendous success by harnessing its indigenous wealth and modernizing it. He emphasized the need for commercial agriculture, highlighting two key approaches: extensive and intensive farming.

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According to the President, extensive farming is suitable for those with large pieces of land, where even low-value crops can yield significant income if produced on a large scale. For those with smaller landholdings, he recommended intensive farming, where high-value crops are cultivated on a smaller scale to generate substantial income.

“We pointed out to you the four sectors, which include commercial agriculture with ‘ekibaro,’” President Museveni explained. “For those with big land, we advised extensive agriculture, and for those with small land, we recommended intensive agriculture. This was our line from our student days when we analyzed our society and saw what was happening in the world.”

President Museveni, who is also a farmer, provided practical tips on how Ugandans can improve cattle farming, drawing from his experience at his Kisozi farm. He advocated for a hybrid approach that balances free-range grazing with more structured feeding methods to increase cattle numbers and boost profits.

His vision includes raising to 6,000 cows per square mile through this method, a significant increase from traditional practices that only support around 300 cows per square mile.

“For the ordinary people, my advice was to go for Friesians or half-Friesians,” the President noted, pointing out that this shift has already led to a significant increase in milk production across the country, particularly in the cattle corridor. “Milk production has gone up from 200 million liters to 5 billion liters annually because people have started to wake up.”

Hon. Muheesi’s advocacy for the President’s wealth creation message also extended to her call for local leaders and farmers in Kazo to adopt similar strategies to fight poverty.

Her unwavering dedication to improving the lives of her constituents through commercial agriculture and wealth creation aligns with the broader goals of the NRM, and she remains a key advocate for the President’s economic policies in Kazo District.

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