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OWEYEGHA-AFUNADUULA: How Uganda Became And Continues To Be A Country Of Empty Promises Under Movement Governance

OWEYEGHA-AFUNADUULA: How Uganda Became And Continues To Be A Country Of Empty Promises Under Movement Governance

Keeping your promises reflects your ethical and moral standing in society. It reflects to what extent you respect other human beings. If you promise but continually break your promises, superseding your capacity to keep them, this can tell a lot about your upbri

Ultimate Uganda

Only 3 artists have bought tables – Spice Diana reflects on the lack of support from fellow artists

Only 3 artists have bought tables – Spice Diana reflects on the lack of support from fellow artists

Often, Spice Diana has backed and actively supported various artists ahead of their concerts by booking tables and buying tickets for the respective artist’s fans to attend the concerts in person.Ahead of her co

Ultimate Uganda

When Uganda danced to product adverts

When Uganda danced to product adverts

The transition of FM radio in Uganda in the early 90s was met with many opportunities. Musician Ragga Dee real name Daniel Kazibwe mentions that this is when the Deejay job started to gain respect locally. He notes that music radio hosts progressively imported freestyling from dance club

Ultimate Uganda

‘One man takes photos with a pig, the other is just a pig’: Photos of Tim Walz and Donald Trump paint starkly different pictures of America’s future

‘One man takes photos with a pig, the other is just a pig’: Photos of Tim Walz and Donald Trump paint starkly different pictures of America’s future

MAGA cultists and supporters (and members) of the Republican party are doing their best to make Tim Walz seem like a poor choi

Ultimate Uganda

RICHARD KAY: Harold Wilson, the seducer so hapless that he left his slippers under his lover's bed at Chequers

RICHARD KAY: Harold Wilson, the seducer so hapless that he left his slippers under his lover's bed at Chequers

Until yesterday, the most cunning political mind of his generation had created for ­himself an enigmatic legacy of mystery and election-winning high intellect.Behind the clouds of egalitarian pipe smoke and an earthy ­Yorkshire accent, Harold Wilson mai

Ultimate Uganda