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Advocates Rally in DC to Increase Access to Life-Saving Cancer Detection Tests

Advocates Rally in DC to Increase Access to Life-Saving Cancer Detection Tests

Cancer survivors and volunteers from across the country gathered in Washington D.C. to advocate for increased access to early detection testing for cancer. Raising Awareness Through Advocacy Gloria Garcia, a passionate advocate for cancer awareness, shared her emotional story about losing her si

Ultimate Uganda

Unpacking the New Gaga Every Day Bundles

Unpacking the New Gaga Every Day Bundles

Q: So Somdev, what's the big deal with the new Gaga Every Day campaign?Somdev Sen: It's all about giving our customers more! We revamped the Gaga bundles to offer greater flexibility and value. Whether they’re s

Ultimate Uganda

Inside Uganda’s murky carbon offset markets

Inside Uganda’s murky carbon offset markets

According to the National Emergency Coordination and Operations Centre (NECOC), a loose outfit for disaster risk monitoring and profiling, in the Office of Prime Minister (OPM), large swathes of the Mt Elgon ranges are uninhabitable owing to susceptibility to a

Ultimate Uganda

Unveiling the Burden of Credit Card Debt: How One Mother Took Control of Her Finances

Unveiling the Burden of Credit Card Debt: How One Mother Took Control of Her Finances

In a world where financial realities can easily get buried under mounting credit card debt, one mother, Jenny Bauman, found herself deep in the trenches of debt accumulation. Living in a Bubble: Bauman, 45, enjoyed the comfort of a 3.75% mortgage while grappling

Ultimate Uganda

Operation Parent Hosts Drug Prevention Training Event for Families Amid Decline in Overdose Deaths

Operation Parent Hosts Drug Prevention Training Event for Families Amid Decline in Overdose Deaths

Saturday, the national non-profit Operation Parent organized a drug prevention training event for families in LaGrange, shedding light on the ongoing battle against drug addiction in Kentucky. With more than 1,900 Kentuckians losing their lives to drug overdoses last year, the latest Kentucky Dru

Ultimate Uganda

Say so much in 15 minutes

Say so much in 15 minutes

Film is a tool that captures both text, music, and emotions at the same time. In a few minutes, you will learn about a country, their culture, and their beliefs, even when the film is not initially about something totally different. From tourism and supremacy to

Ultimate Uganda

On the urgent shift to digital broadcasting in Uganda

On the urgent shift to digital broadcasting in Uganda

The Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) recently announced plans to migrate all FM radio stations from analog to digital broadcasting.This transition is part of a broader effort to modernise the country’s media landscape and enhance the quality of radio services.While the benef

Ultimate Uganda

The rising sickle cell disease burden

The rising sickle cell disease burden

Tracy Katusiime, 22, a teacher from Wakiso District was born with sickle cell disorder. She says she takes at least two different types of medicines every day to manage the condition.“My parents got to know my s

Ultimate Uganda

John Mutebe: Need to Empower Women WASH Entrepreneurship in Uganda

John Mutebe: Need to Empower Women WASH Entrepreneurship in Uganda

The duty to provide water and sanitation services in a home, has traditionally been a preserve for the woman in a family. Daily chores include water collection, sanitation management and hygiene maintenance and education of the children. This prevails in modern

Ultimate Uganda

Harris Schools Trump in Debate

Harris Schools Trump in Debate

(US) – The recent debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump has generated a wave of media coverage, largely focusing on the unexpected dynamics that unfolded. According to various reports, Harris emerged as the clear winner, capitalizing on Trump’s unfor

Ultimate Uganda