Business •
11 Oct '24
Four years ago, the coronavirus pandemic increased human reliance on technology which enabled virtual engagements. Research by the National Library of Medicine, a US-based biomedical informatics and the world's largest biomedical online library shows that the Covid-19 imposed restr
Business •
08 Oct '24
According to the National Library of Medicine, research, biomedical informatics and the world's largest biomedical online library, the Covid-19 imposed restrictions led to an inevitable surge in the use of digital technologies to adjust to new ways of interaction, life, and work. For U
Business •
07 Oct '24
The High Court issued a judgement over the issue of the service award, saying it was not a legal issue. What is your overall view on that? You read the reasoning of the court. It’s called the ratio decidendi in the legal language. The reasoning of the court dissects real issues from he
Business •
06 Oct '24
Imagine a bunch of nerds in the 1960s, sitting around thinking: “Hey, what if we could send messages between these things called computers instead of just passing notes in class?” They proceed to further think: “Let’s make these machines talk to each other so we don’t have to!" And
Business •
06 Oct '24
At 10:22am, presiding Judge Isaac Muwata walks into the courtroom. The court clerk calls for the case file. Assistant DPP Samali Wakooli cites the legal representation for the prosecution and defence, both present.
Business •
04 Oct '24
At 10:22am, presiding Judge Isaac Muwata walks into the courtroom. The court clerk calls for the case file. Assistant DPP Samali Wakooli cites the legal representation for the prosecution and defence, both present. Wakooli: We have a new witness and we are ready to proceed. Judge: Ar
Business •
30 Sep '24
Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba’s social media posts are an interesting vantage point from which to see the inner workings of the National Resistance Movement (NRM) political and military state. Political hangers-on shower praises on him. Cabinet ministers dutifully wish him a happy birthday o
Business •
24 Sep '24
Across the continent, in the past few months, Gen Z; those born between 1996 and 2010, according to McKinsey & Company, are increasingly becoming a voice to reckon with. Unlike generations past, they refuse to remain unheard and mobilise each other to place their demands. Raised in the f
Business •
23 Sep '24
Your Excellency President Museveni, I write to you as a concerned citizen who has been actively involved in the capacity-building efforts of your government’s socio-economic programmes such as the Parish Development Model (PDM), Emyooga, and GROW. These initiatives were introduced wi
Business •
18 Sep '24
Uganda has solidified its position as a hub for water and sanitation management in Africa by signing a historic host agreement with the African Water and Sanitation Association (AfWASA). The agreement establishes the African Water and Sanitation Academy (AWASA) in Uganda, marking a sig