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EOC urges government to stop funding schools charging high fees

EOC urges government to stop funding schools charging high fees

The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) has asked the government to stop funding top schools that continue to charge excessive school fees. Ms Susan Nambatya, the EOC research associate, who yesterday spoke at the release of findings of a study on fees charged by government and private

Ultimate Uganda

PDM: LCII chairperson detained over extortion

PDM: LCII chairperson detained over extortion

A Local Council official in Bukamansimbi District has been arrested on the directive of the Resident District Commissioner (RDC) on allegations of soliciting bribes from beneficiaries of PDM funds.Mr Bak

Ultimate Uganda

Anite’s fight against corruption and the mirrors NRM refuses to use

Anite’s fight against corruption and the mirrors NRM refuses to use

Corruption in Uganda has a thriving soft life despite the endless haranguing by President Yoweri Museveni.Museveni and his audience have lost count of the number of times he has promised to do something about corruption. He has talked about corruption (ev

Ultimate Uganda

HE MUST ACT NOW OR NEVER: CDF Muhoozi Gets Evidence Of Top UPDF Officer Receiving Huge Kickbacks

HE MUST ACT NOW OR NEVER: CDF Muhoozi Gets Evidence Of Top UPDF Officer Receiving Huge Kickbacks

Senior Kampala lawyer and philanthropist doctor David Balondemu has written to CDF general Kainerugaba Muh

Ultimate Uganda

State House investigates rot in deployment of medical interns

State House investigates rot in deployment of medical interns

The State House Anti-corruption Unit is investigating allegations of bribery in the deployment of medical interns.Seven medical interns were scheduled for interrogation on Thursday in the continuing investigation into concerns of corruption and bribery within medical internship deployment

Ultimate Uganda