"I Jumped Over a Slaughtered Chicken 3 times" Pres Museveni Says, Reveals Details About Bush War

President Museveni has opened up about his inclusive approach during the bush war, revealing that he collaborated with all religions, including traditionalists who often face condemnation from the public.

The President who was speaking about the current political situation in Uganda went on to say that in as much as people might have a misunderstanding, they need to work together if need be.

Mr. Yoweri Museveni also recounted an incident where he was directed to jump over a slaughtered chicken 3 times by a traditionalist adding that in as much as he was against it, he had to do because they were in this together. On matters Education, this is what Mr Museveni had to say.

President Yoweri Museveni :Children must go to school because Education is very important and this is one of the main reason why the government of Uganda made Education free for all children who are in public schools, help them secure employment .

You will find that lack of Education will make a parent think that their sick child has been bewitched and instead of taking them to the Hospital, they will keep their kids at home. People who are not educated don't know most of the things that are important in life.

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