Prince Harry is James Hewitt's son theory – all the evidence and clues explained

The theory that James Hewitt is Prince Harry's dad has been rumbling on for decades - but what's the evidence to suggest it is true and why do people keep talking about it?
The rumours have been swirling for decades
The long-standing speculation that James Hewitt is Prince Harry's father has been a topic of debate for years.
Despite Hewitt himself denying the claim, it originates from the revelation that he had an affair with Princess Diana while she was still married to Prince Charles.
The illicit relationship, which spanned five years from 1986 to 1991, began when Hewitt was asked to give riding lessons to the princess while serving in the Household Cavalry.
Diana confirmed the affair in 1995, leading to persistent rumours that Hewitt is Harry's biological father.
However, what evidence exists to debunk this theory? According to Hewitt, he hadn't even met Diana when Harry was conceived in 1984, making it chronologically impossible for him to be the father.
Hewitt said he didn't even meet Diana until after Harry was born
Furthermore, photographs surfaced in 2021 highlighting the striking resemblance between Prince Harry and the late Prince Philip.
Sharing a 1957 copy of Paris Match Magazine featuring Philip on the cover in his naval uniform, photographer Christopher Jackson commented: "I was reminded today of this incredible vintage @parismatch_magazine from 1957 I acquired a few years ago. I was blown away the minute I spotted it."
He added, "It always reminds me of the unique, historic reference points that Royal photography provides. The front cover features a fantastically suave Prince Philip on tour with The Queen."
Twitter was abuzz with reactions to the photos at the time, with one user exclaiming: "For anyone saying Harry is not Charles's son, he looks exactly like Philip here! " Another chimed in: "I thought it was Harry."
A third remarked: "This is the first time that I saw Prince Harry looks like his grandfather."
Since those comments, a slew of pictures have resurfaced showing the striking resemblance between Harry and his grandad during their younger years and into adulthood. Sarah Ferguson also weighed in at one point, expressing her frustration over persistent whispers that James Hewitt is Prince Harry's biological father.
An insider confided to Aussie mag New Idea: "Fergie is nothing short of exasperated that this story crops up every few years."
The source continued: "It frustrates her to let this go on, which is why she broke ranks. She's sick of hearing it."
People are divided as to who they think Harry looks like
Fergie, who was tight with Diana before her tragic death in a 1997 Paris car crash, was reportedly privy to many of Diana's most sensitive issues. The insider revealed: "They had their tiffs over the years, but Fergie was one of the few people Diana could turn to with delicate matters."
They firmly dismissed the speculation about Harry's paternity, stating: "Fergie swore to take many of Diana's secrets to the grave – but Harry not being Charles' kid is simply just not one of them."
The informant also quashed the notion that Charles isn't Harry's real dad, adding: "[Diana] hadn't even met Hewitt when Harry was conceived [in 1984]."
"It's chronologically impossible for [Hewitt] to be the father. It's all a silly conspiracy theory and she's absolutely fed up with it.
"There's absolutely no question that Charles is Harry's father."
'There's absolutely no question that Charles is Harry's father'
More recently, a "super-recogniser" waded in on the debate as an "expert in facial recognition."
Simone Malik claims to have a special gift when it comes to faces and agrees that Harry is Charles' son saying there’s no one else who has those "very close set, small but extremely sharp eyes."
She said: “I have been hearing for years that conspiracy about Hewitt being Harry’s dad.
“I always looked and thought, ‘No, not at all.’ I can see from the public’s perspective when they look at the ginger hair and their smiles from the side, they have a certain look and they think he is Harry’s dad.
"As a super-recogniser I can see beyond that.
Charles and Harry 'both have the same sharp eyes'
“You have got to understand facial symmetry and dimension and this is what I look at, a bit like a computer but I have the skill to see the face and think ‘this person is related’ or ‘this person is not related,” she added.
“I am quite certain from my skill that King Charles is definitely Harry’s dad. Charles has a narrow and high forehead and Charles has exactly that. Diana also has a narrow forehead. Hewitt’s forehead is wide and deep.”