The Ssegirinya, Francis Zaake challenge
Sometime last year, an old boy of mine got in touch to ask about my opinion on his intention to run for parliament in the 2026 election – on the opposition ticket.
“What is your overall intention?” I asked for clarity. “Is it to make money or work to change Uganda?” Before he would respond, I challenged him to think about my questions a little more carefully because there were more questions coming.
“We need to change Uganda”, he said. “Are you planning to work under Yoweri Museveni or someone else?” I prodded further. Both of us understand that, if he stands, Museveni will return as president by whatever means necessary. I went ahead and gave him the assurance that if he ever wins his seat, as far as money is concerned, he will make it – and a lot of it.
“You could as well simply stand on the NRM ticket,” I rubbed it in.
Only Yoweri Museveni as president can actually talk about changing the fortunes of Uganda. I know, he never does. But only him has been blessed with these powers if he really wanted to do it. I know, he is controlled by a hidden and powerful network of self-interested vultures – mostly international hands and William Pike more recently reminded us – who have sustained him in office all this while.
But he has the powers to stop working for them. On the other hand, when any scrawny character claims they are going to parliament to change Uganda – under Yoweri Museveni – all they are doing is posturing. Self-delusion.
I am not arguing that one cannot actually work to change the fortunes of Uganda under this government. Yes, we all can: outside of any structured offices (although this is also becoming incredibly difficult).
But presently, if the people seeking parliamentary positions aren’t focused on the overwhelming perks in that house, they are simply naïve about Uganda. Either side could have examples in the current parliament: Twaha Kagabo on the naïve side of things, and Muhammad Nsereko on the smart side of things.
MP Muhammad Ssegirinya died during an election year. On the one hand, being an election year predicated the drama witnessed during his funeral, and on the other, brought his legacy – and performative practices as an activist – in sharp perspective. Indeed, Ssegirinya’s legacy is a sobering challenge to ‘electoral politicians.’
He reminds them to ask themselves one hard question: why participate in these elections under an already flawed process? If you aren’t planning to use parliament to end Project Museveni – where keeping this man in power remains the only viable thing in Uganda – why participate?
I am not saying ending Project Museveni should be the only goal for an MP in these times. I am just curious to learn – beyond money and fame – why else do folks vie for parliament under the same man – especially as the opposition?
Forty years under the same man, simply kumulabisa isn’t convincing enough. Media houses and activists are doing this job well. I have heard arguments of okwetega, mbu one raises their profiles – through electoral politics – so as to have a claim in a possible government of national unity once Museveni falls. This is a standard ‘standby generator’ argument.
Are opposition folks positioning themselves as ‘standby generators’, too?
In his rather playful persona (the few days he spent as elected legislator), Ssegirinya never pretended to offer lofty speeches or scrutinize Museveni’s budgets and or appointments. His was a mission to use the platform as vehicle for transformation – as he (somewhat naively, but pragmatically) understood his role as MP.
His was to respond to the immediate pains of his voters. This rather unorthodox approach sought to use parliament simply as a platform – a platform to execute possible, practical pre-defined objectives. He delivered. We would never really know who was behind the brutal murders and hacking to death of ordinary Ugandans in Masaka right after the 2021 election.
Legislators Muhammad Ssegirinya and Allan Ssewanyana who braved years in prison on allegations of spearheading these machete murders were released, only through political negotiations as one newspaper reported – and as Justice minister Norbert Mao claimed credit. To this end, we will never know why these specific MPs carried the burden.
But what is true is that Ssegirinya represented a unique breed of politics. He was not your ordinary electoral guy. From the way he understood his electoral victory – and his activism way before – Mr Update, as he was widely known, was a community organiser. Indeed, had he lived under a different regime – which really appreciated community organising, say under cooperatives – he would have been content to serve his community without necessarily becoming a member of parliament.
Enter Francis Zaake. Dear reader, I am yet to overcome Bobi Wine’s refusal to give Ugandans Francis Zaake as leader of opposition. Whatever reason Bobi Wine and team might have had against his profile and posture, Zaake perhaps remains the only embodiment of their 2021 electoral wave.
In the unlikely event that Zaake sets that parliament on fire, I am afraid ordinary voters would actually endorse the act. If Bobi Wine/ NUP were to remain committed to their electoral promises, Francis Zaake’s politics – call it recklessness – deserved the biggest opposition platform in parliament. Look, whatever NUP/Bobi Wine’s worst fears, that would actually be the difference.
The point I am labouring to make is this: ‘electoral politicians’ masquerading as opposition under Yoweri Museveni ought not to pretend – to be opposition – when the entire plan is money and fame. The NRM/ Museveni regime has a huge dining table.
For the love of country, I would rather no one stood for parliament as opposition under Museveni. But this being almost impossible (as Museveni would quickly manufacture an opposition), I propose candidates – new and incumbent – be candid and committed to their intentions. If you are neither Ssegirinya nor Zaake, maybe stand with, and not against NRM/ Museveni.