Bad-Mannered Flavia Namulindwa tries to Steal Estranged Husband’s House, Gets Chased from Masanafu-Rubaga Home

Former Bukedde TV presenter Mary Flavia Namulindwa, who recently returned to Uganda ahead of forceful deportation by the new Trump Administration in the US, has had her bad manners and crookery catch up with her.
She is one of those property-hungry Kampala babes who think they can use their fame to manipulate, cow, mistreat men and eventually grab their property. UK-based Nkuba Kyeyo Charles Kanyike Mpagi, with whom she co-habited from 2009 and had two children (one of whom is now deceased), has vigorously pushed back and managed to stop the materialism-motivated Flavia Namulindwa from using trickery to grab his hard-earned property in the Rubaga Division neighborhood of Masanafu. The property is located in Kinoonya Zone of Masanafu Parish Rubaga Division.
For several years, the two cohabited from 2009 and in the process, the poverty-stricken Flavia Namulindwa conceived. Because he is based in UK where he lives mostly, Kanyike had permitted Namulindwa to look after the property including his residential house and 8 rental rooms which monthly bring him Shs2m in rent.
Namulindwa was permitted to use the money for the upkeep and sustenance of the couple’s surviving child now aged 12 years. However, she messed up everything by ferrying several of her materially-deprived relatives from Gomba to come and begin staying in Kanyike’s home. Some of them took up some of the rental rooms and thereby diminishing the monthly income from the rent.
She brought her relatives against Kanyike’s will and instead of owning up, when the rental money became less and inadequate for the child’s upkeep, Namulindwa shamelessly and dishonestly began reporting to Police and LCs falsely accusing Kanyike of child neglect.
The greedy babe, who opportunistically wants to become Gomba East MP which she will never succeed in because even incumbent Godfrey Saazi is of the same NUP party, failed to succeed in proving her case because Kanyike had kept his documentation and had all the records to show how he had been spending on the child.
Namulindwa imploded in a rage claiming that the area LC1 officials, the Police and everyone else was biased against her. Instead of backing off and letting Charles Kanyike live his life in peace as she lives hers too, the financially-struggling Flavia Namulindwa has since instructed a Kampala law firm to sue Kanyike in civil courts.
She fallaciously claims that Kanyike has no moral authority and legal ground to change padlocks and chase her and relatives from the Masanafu home because she too contributed money towards the acquisition and development of the same property.
Yet her narrative is disputed by area residents, the neighbors and LC1s who say Kanyike had this property years before even social climber Flavia Namulindwa came into his life as a cohabitee. That Kanyike had another wife before Namulindwa with whom the Masanafu property was acquired and developed.
She will be required to bring proof that she contributed yet in actual truth she has none. At some point, the couple had to do a DNA test to prove patnernity of their child and Kanyike is ready to re-do it should Namulindwa insist on the same. But he says should the DNA indicate the child isn’t his, Namulindwa should be prepared to refund Shs200m which she has so far collected in rent from his rentals in the last 12 years counting from 2013 and expended it claiming to be looking after Kanyike’s child.
She has never given him even a coin and only claims that the rent money is what she has been using to look after the child which she now ineptly wants Court to compel Kanyike to provide more for. Kanyike has declined mediation and says let Court fully inquire into the matter because he is innocent and has nothing to hide.
Namulindwa, whose version of events has been sharply contradicted by Kinoonya-Masanafu Zone LC1 Chairman John Bosco Mutumba, has been tasked to tender evidence that she ever contributed anything to the property and she doesn’t seem to have any.
Mutumba says he used to be a tenant on the same Kanyike rentals whose construction Flavia Namulindwa claims to have contributed to, long before the fading Bukedde TV veteran had become his cohabitee. Kanyike is represented by Ligopedia Advocates and Flavia Namulindwa by Galisonga & Co Advocates.