By Mulengera Reporters

By Mulengera Reporters

While on veteran journalist Kwezi Robinson’s YouTube interview, ex-Rubaga North MP Moses Kasibante (who reigned 2011-2021) revealed secrets which left many convinced that the Mukono Municipality MP Betty Nambooze (who is also his mentor of some sort) has no moral authority to talk about corruption or bash Mathias Mpuuga regarding alleged financial impropriety in relation to the Shs500m he received in Service Award.

Kasibante Moses, who called on Ugandans to become politically more sophisticated if they are going to ever understand the deception that is synonymous with the politics of Kyagulanyi and his flag-seeking supporters, said he knows Nambooze inside and out and nobody else knows much about her dirty deals like he does.

He said she is twice a convicted felony and in both cases, it was about corruption for self-enrichment. Kasibante started out hosting Betty Nambooze on Kabaka’s CBS radio in the early 2000s and one was christened Madam Teacher and the other class monitor. That way, they bonded a lot and became very close to the extent of knowing each other’s personal secrets.

Kasibante says that, contrary to what millions of Kyagulanyi blind followers think, Nambooze is a very corrupt person who should reflect on her checkered past as opposed to wasting time soiling political saints like Mathias Mpuuga who is as clean as a white man. Kasibante says that Mpuuga has a track record of being very clean when it comes to being accountable with the taxpayer’s money.

He gave the example of the early 2000s when Betty Nambooze was arrested and convicted for solicitation of a bribe at the time she was serving as Mukono Municipality law enforcement officer. It was then still Mukono Town Council before it became Municipality and she used to head enforcement under Mayor Johnson Mayanja Senyonga. Because she had just fallen out with NRM, while criticizing Gen Museveni in favor of Dr. Kizza Besigye, majority Ugandans were sympathetic and dismissed the whole thing as politically motivated. But now Kasibante, who ought to know more than anyone else, says that it actually is true Nambooze committed the crime.

It was Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago, then serving as a leading opposition lawyer in DP, who fought tooth & nail to get Nambooze out of Luzira and the matter was won on appeal. She immediately joined DP and the Sebana Kizitos went on to make her spokesperson for the party. Then regular appearances on CBS radio helped Nambooze strengthen her political appeal not only in Mukono but in the whole of Buganda where she became a king maker of some sort.

Kasibante, who took no prisoners during the Kwezi interview, says Nambooze thinks that by attacking Mpuuga, she will divert the rest of Ugandans into thinking that actually opposition has more corrupt leaders than can be found on Museveni’s NRM side. He adds that Nambooze, like many Kyagulanyi blind followers, is actually serving the interests of Museveni and his son Gen MK; albeit inadvertently.

That by killing off credible leaders like Mathias Mpuuga, the Kyagulanyi group are paving way for MK’s eventual rise to the Presidency. Kasibante also wondered why NUP supporters in Nambooze’s Mukono can descend on and beat up their party Councilors simply because they attended Mpuuga’s thanksgiving prayers yet NUP Councilors and MPs who attend MK’s PLU activities are never sanctioned. Kasibante also demanded to know why NUP Secretary General David Lewis Rubongoya and Treasurer General Benjamin Katana, who are as powerful inside the party as Mr. Wine, don’t have any known constituency they are eyeing for 2026 if they are indeed serious about enlarging and deepening the anti-Museveni struggle.

He also demanded to know what the duo is exactly doing that weakens Gen Museveni in any way apart from creating confusion for the struggle in order to scatter those who are genuinely committed to fighting Gen Museveni. Kasibante, who these days survives on coffee farming outside Kyengera Town Council, asserted that even Mr. Wine is actually working to serve Gen Museveni’s interests although he may not be realizing this. He implied there is need to redirect the struggle because in its current form, under the NUP leadership, there isn’t anything being done that can frighten Gen YK Museveni in anyway.

Towards the end, Kasibante spoke about the treachery Betty Nambooze played on fellow opposition diehards regarding the Shs29m that had been given to every MP regarding the age limit vote. He commended Semujju Nganda, who was opposition chief whip then, for leading them very well. That Nganda called a crisis meeting during which it was agreed to return the money and create additional bad publicity for Gen Museveni and his group because this clearly was a bribe.

That out of the close to 60 opposition MPs Nganda commanded in that Parliament, only 16 were on the list of those who returned the money. That the name of Betty Nambooze had initially appeared on that list because she rang Moses Kasibante requesting him to write it there for her as she travelled from Mukono to come and join Semujju at the news conference at Parliament to denounce the Shs29m. That Nambooze feigned sickness and claimed there was a lot of jam and never showed up at Parliament yet her name had already been captured by journalists who published the list of the 16 in the newspapers the next day.

Kasibante says that eventually Nambooze told him jam had become too much and that she was going to drive back to her bank in Mukono and instruct the transfer of Shs29bn to the GoU account. Kasibante says Nambooze duped him, the other colleagues and the media because it turned out she never ordered the transfer yet she politically benefited from the publicity as the media portrayed her as one of the incorruptible 16 opposition MPs who rejected and returned Museveni’s Shs29m. Mathias Mpuuga willingly returned the money, according to Kasibante.

That it was during the Mbale Togikwatako case hearing that the Clerk to Parliament (then Jane Kibirige) adduced irrefutable evidence, with documents, clearly indicating that Nambooze actually never returned the money. Kasibante, who was characteristically very eloquent during the Kwezi interview, concluded that Nambooze, like many other Mpuuga accusers, isn’t as truthful as she claims. He asserted that she is actually as corrupt as any other regime apologist. He said there is a lot he knows about dubious dealings by Nambooze but wasn’t prepared to let out more as yet.

Kasibante’s submission, aimed at showing the extent to which the Kyagulanyi-led opposition is nothing but a facade, left many Kwezi media followers tearful having realized they are actually being taken for a ride as opposed to this being a serious anti-Museveni struggle as it used to be during the pre-Kyagulanyi days. Thousands of Kwezi media followers have since demanded that his appearances be escalated to at least once a week. It’s something Kasibante has since accepted having realized the extent of damage fake news peddlers and so-called foot soldiers are causing to the country’s body politic.

Kasibante also had no kind words for Masaka Mayor Florence Namayanja whose elusive character he equally highlighted in order to demonstrate the extent to which she has no moral authority to fight Mathias Mpuuga on pseudo corruption claims. He said Namayanja was the other fake refunder of the Shs29m as was exposed by Justice Kenneth Kakuru in his Mbale judgment

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