Exposed: 60 Rogue Loan Apps Ugandans Must Avoid Like the Plague

Exposed: 60 Rogue Loan Apps Ugandans Must Avoid Like the Plague

Uganda’s Newest ‘Kijambiya’ Threat: 59 Illegal Loan Apps to Avoid Like Bad ‘Kalo’

In a city where everyone’s got a side hustle and a dream to escape the infamous ‘muzigo’ life, there’s a new predator on the prowl. These aren’t the usual ‘Kifeesi’ gangs roaming the streets at night, but something far more insidious—59 illegal loan apps that have infiltrated our smartphones, promising quick cash but delivering nothing but misery.

The Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority (UMRA), much like a vigilant village elder who spots trouble from a mile away, has stepped forward to warn Ugandans of these rogue digital lenders. These apps are violating the Tier 4 Microfinance Institutions and Money Lenders Act of 2016 and the Tier 4 Microfinance and Digital Lending Guidelines 2024, much like how a boda-boda rider ignores a red traffic light—at full speed.


Table 1: Notorious Loan Apps to Avoid in Uganda

App Name

What It Promises

The Reality

Key Concern


Fast cash with no hassle

High interest rates, hidden fees

Data privacy violations

Banana App

Instant loans with no paperwork

Aggressive repayment tactics

Lack of consumer protection

Nile Credit

Easy money on the go

Defamatory messages upon default

Harassment and public shaming


Quick, short-term loans

Less cash disbursed than promised

Deceptive lending practices


Low interest emergency loans

Exorbitant interest rates

Violation of lending regulations

Remember the time when borrowing money was a simple affair—asking your neighbor over a cup of tea, with the promise to repay after the next harvest? Well, those days are long gone. Now, with just a tap on an app, you can secure a loan faster than a ‘mulokole’ can say “Hallelujah.” But beware, these digital ‘obululu’ are as treacherous as the snakes in the ‘Mugongo’ hills.

UMRA has listed 59 apps—yes, a whole football team and their substitutes—operating illegally in Uganda. These apps have perfected the art of enticing you with promises of quick cash, but once you’re in, it’s like falling into a ‘munju’ (pit). They neglect consumer protection standards and abuse your data privacy like a greedy relative who raids your granary when you’re not looking.

Table 2: Rogue Loan Apps in Uganda – Quick Facts

App Name

Promised Loan Amount (UGX)

Disbursed Amount (UGX)

Interest Rate (%)

Repayment Period





7 days





5 days





10 days





7 days





14 days

The Sting of the ‘Kamooli’ (Scam): What to Expect

It’s a story as old as time—borrow a few shillings in an emergency, only to find yourself in deeper trouble than a ‘katogo’ chef who’s run out of Matooke. Many of these apps operate in the shadows, much like the sly ‘mukene’ (silver fish) traders in Owino Market, giving you less than what you asked for but demanding full repayment.

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And the interest rates? Well, let’s just say they make the cost of a jerrycan of water in a drought stricken village look like a bargain. We’re talking about rates that soar higher than a kite during the dry season. Miss a payment, and these lenders will harass you with the persistence of a ‘kanyama’ bouncer at a downtown club. Expect relentless phone calls, threats of public humiliation, and defamatory messages sent to your contacts—yes, even that distant cousin you only see at funerals.

Back in the day, if you defaulted on a loan, you might have had to endure a stern talking to from the village chief or a few snide remarks at the local ‘ekyoto’ (communal fire). But these modern-day lenders have turned public shaming into a digital ‘Bakayimbira’ theatre performance. Your dirty laundry—along with some personal photos—could be aired out for all to see, leaving you with a reputation more damaged than a ‘kaveera’ (plastic bag) caught in a bonfire.

UMRA isn’t just sitting idly by. They’ve provided toll free numbers, email addresses, and even a website for you to report these illegal lenders. They’ve opened their doors at Rwenzori Towers, ready to hear your complaints and take action against these digital ‘kaboozi’ (gossips) who are ruining lives.

Final Thoughts: Don’t Be the ‘Mbwa Gwe’ (Foolish Dog)

Don’t be the one caught with your trousers down, scrambling to repay a loan you should never have taken in the first place. These 59 apps are as dangerous as a ‘kijambiya’ (machete) in the wrong hands. Tread carefully, report the rogues, and remember—quick cash isn’t worth the price of your peace of mind.

Loan Sharks in Your Phone: The 59 Apps That Will Leave You Broke and Broken

If you’ve ever found yourself tempted by one of these apps, remember that the “ebintu” (things) they offer come with strings attached—strings that could leave you tied up in debt so tight, not even the strongest rope from Masaka could help you break free.

Here’s a rundown of the 59 digital traps that UMRA says you should avoid:

App Name



As fleeting as a boda-boda during a fuel shortage—quick to offer, quicker to disappear.

Banana App

Slipperier than a freshly peeled matooke; you’ll be left sliding into debt.


As long as a politician’s promise; sounds good, but delivers little.

Nile Credit

Flowing with trouble like the Nile during flood season.

Gloan App

A loan that will make you groan, as loud as a midnight village drum.

Boom Loan

Explosive in all the wrong ways—like fireworks in a dry season.


As persistent as a market vendor, but much less forgiving.


Beats faster than your heart when you see the interest rate.

Credit Lab

More experimental than a witch doctor’s concoction.


Pretty on the outside, but with thorns that’ll prick your pocket.


Blows through your wallet faster than a gust in Karamoja.

Lever Credit

Will leave you feeling like you’ve been levered out of your own money.


Not a mate you want—this one’s as clingy as a needy relative.

Ezee Loan

As easy as losing your balance on a slick mud path.


But will cast a long shadow over your finances.

Wind Money

Here today, gone tomorrow—like a breeze in a desert.


Flows out of your pocket faster than the Nile in flood season.

Moji Loan

Will leave you with emojis of tears.

Ozzy Money

As tricky as a ‘katemba’ magician—now you see it, now you don’t.

Mumu Money

As silent as its name, but loud in your nightmares.


Quick to take, slow to give—like a cunning katogo vendor.

More Pesa

Pesa? More like less-a.

Get Cash

But you’ll lose it just as fast, like that coin you dropped in a boda seat.

QuickLoan: Reliable Online Loan

As reliable as a Kampala traffic light—green one minute, red the next.


Miss this bus unless you enjoy being run over by debt.


A loan that’ll have you shouting “Ye!” in frustration.


The hub of all your financial worries.

Echo Loan

The echoes of your debt will follow you long after you’ve borrowed.

Fair Loans

As fair as a rigged election.

SweetLoan-Loan App

The aftertaste is bitterer than unripe mangoes.

Banana Credit

Another slippery one—leaves you with nothing but peels.

Loan Cash-Easy Instant Loans

Easy? Yes. Fair? Not even close.

Borrow Money-Get Online

Get online, get poor—this app will see to that.

CashPe Instant Loans

Pe-pe-pew! There goes your money.


Fair? Only if you’re a lion in this jungle of debt.

Azima Instant Loan

Instant regret, more like.

Quick Loan

Quick to take your money, slow to show any mercy.

Easy Mobile Loan

As easy as stepping on a snake in the tall grass.

Smart Quick Cash

Not as smart as it claims—just another trap in disguise.

Cash4You Mobile

Cash for you? More like cash for them.

Cash Lender Mobile

Lends you trouble more than anything else.

CashGo Mobile Loans

Go, go, gone—just like your shillings.

Unity Loans

Unites you with debt and nothing else.

Happy Credit Quick Loans

Happy? Only if you like misery.


Now you see it, now you don’t—this one’s a magic trick gone wrong.

Mobi Loan

Mobile loans, mobile problems—this app’s a moving target for your wallet.

CashPe Easy Loan

Easy to take, harder to repay.

Rapid Mobile Loans

Rapidly draining your finances.

Quick Cash Loans

Fast cash, faster debt—just like a runaway boda-boda.

Credit Sente Loans

Will leave you penniless and then some.


As steadfast as a termite in a wooden granary—this one will eat through your savings.

My Loan

My, oh my, the regret you’ll feel.

Real Cash

But real trouble when it comes to repayment.

Star Loan

The only star here is the one you’ll be seeing after you’re knocked out by debt.

If you’ve already been ensnared, UMRA urges you to reach out—there’s still hope before you’re buried too deep.

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