Open Letter to Professor Ssentongo: Addressing Inappropriate Remarks About Eric Joseph Sakwa

Open Letter to Professor Ssentongo: Addressing Inappropriate Remarks About Eric Joseph Sakwa

Dear Professor Jimmy Ssentongo,
As a cultural institution representing the Bamasaba people, we have received a complaint from one of our clan members, Eric Joseph Sakwa, of Namwenula Village, Siu Clan, Mbale District. It concerns your recent public comments, in which you described him as a “de-winged grasshopper” and made derogatory remarks about his current situation after he was relieved of his duties as Resident District Commissioner (RDC) for Jinja.
While we respect your right to freedom of speech, as protected by Article 29 of the Ugandan Constitution, it is essential to recognize that this right is subject to limitations. Specifically, Section 26A of the Computer Misuse Act 2022 discourages ridiculing, degrading, or demeaning any Ugandan citizen or tribe. Your description of RDC Sakwa as “de-winged” and “smelly” appears to violate this provision.
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We, as a community, are particularly concerned about your comments directed not only at Eric Joseph Sakwa but also at a Makerere University student who shares his name. This student was preparing for graduation when your remarks demoralized him, creating a phobia that he would be mocked again while navigating the university campus. The impact of your words on his mental well-being has been distressing, especially considering the emotional turmoil faced by his children upon reading your demeaning statements.
Anyone familiar with Sakwa understands that he is a dignified individual who should not have to apologize for his size or weight. As a professor at Makerere University, it is your duty to support all students, regardless of political affiliations.
Philosophically and ethically, mocking someone’s suffering is inappropriate. RDC Sakwa is not the first individual to be relieved of duty in Uganda, and he may very well return to service in the future. Furthermore, it is commendable that he is pursuing a Master’s degree in Environmental Science, unlike many others who choose to resort to alcohol following their dismissal.
As the Bamasaba community, we demand that you retract your statements mocking our son. We are currently rallying support to help him raise 7,000,000 shillings so that he can graduate in January 2025.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Steven Masiga
Bamasaba cultural institution
Tel 0782231577.

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