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Louisiana Drinking Water Loan Program Faces Financial Concerns in Recent Audit

Louisiana Drinking Water Loan Program Faces Financial Concerns in Recent Audit

According to a recent audit conducted by the Louisiana Legislative Auditor's Office, the Louisiana Office of Public Health has come under scrutiny for its mismanagement of finances in the clean drinking water fund for the fiscal year ending in June 2023. Audit F

Ultimate Uganda

Injured Bobi Wine Makes Surprising Visit to Remanded Party Members

Injured Bobi Wine Makes Surprising Visit to Remanded Party Members

(Kampala) – Opposition leader Robert Kyagulanyi, known as Bobi Wine, provided a status report on comrades Archileo Kivumbi, Magala Umar, and Bobi Young, who are currently on remand at Luzira Maximum Security Prison. These individuals face charges related to th

Ultimate Uganda

Three bailed after nude anti-corruption protest at parliament

Three bailed after nude anti-corruption protest at parliament

Buganda Road Chief Magistrate’s Court has granted bail to three anti-corruption protestors who staged a nude protest at Parliament earlier this month.The trio was on Thursday granted a noncash bond of Shs1 milli

Ultimate Uganda

External Budget financing on the decline, says Kasaija

External Budget financing on the decline, says Kasaija

The Ministry of Finance, Planning, and Economic Development has said external financing for the National Budget is constantly on the decline.According to the ministry, this requires the government to strengthen do

Ultimate Uganda

How refugee project is changing lives

How refugee project is changing lives

For nearly 20 years, 54-year-old Patrick Aluma Waigo lived a modest life as a subsistence farmer in Aluru Sub-county, Lea Parish, Moyo District in northern Uganda.His aspirations never extended beyond growing enou

Ultimate Uganda

Govt, JICA partner to empower start-ups

Govt, JICA partner to empower start-ups

Uganda’s Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives (MTIC) in partnership with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) have launched the JICA Next Innovation with Japan (NINJA) Accelerator Programme

Ultimate Uganda

Uganda has navigated post-Covid-19 recovery well, says IMF

Uganda has navigated post-Covid-19 recovery well, says IMF

The International Monetary Fund has said Uganda has navigated post-Covid-19 recovery well due to sound macroeconomic policies.The country’s economic recovery, the IMF noted in a statement is strengthening, chara

Ultimate Uganda

Uganda continues to consolidate key integration milestones in EAC

Uganda continues to consolidate key integration milestones in EAC

As of April 2024, the East African Community accounted for 31.7 percent of Uganda’s total export market whereas her total trade with the rest of the world increased by 36.3 percent to US$18.1billion in 2023 from US$13.3billion in 2022, while total imports from

Ultimate Uganda

PDM: LCII chairperson detained over extortion

PDM: LCII chairperson detained over extortion

A Local Council official in Bukamansimbi District has been arrested on the directive of the Resident District Commissioner (RDC) on allegations of soliciting bribes from beneficiaries of PDM funds.Mr Bak

Ultimate Uganda

Unanswered questions after prison inmate dies

Unanswered questions after prison inmate dies

The last time Babirye Nisha talked to her husband on the evening of May 27 he sounded melancholic: he complained of starvation and severe beating inside Ngenge Prison in Kapchorwa District. During the conversation by telephone that lasted for about a minute she

Ultimate Uganda