Business •
13 Oct '24
The White House’s address may be 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, but the real road to the presidency runs through the state of Pennsylvania, the biggest prize among the electoral battleground map. According to calculations by elections analyst Nate Silver, the candidate who wins Pennsylvania
Business •
13 Oct '24
Wooden houses can position Uganda for a sustainable future by addressing the housing crisis through cost-effective, eco-friendly construction, reducing carbon emissions, and promoting responsible timber sourcing. Modern wooden construction is revolutionising the housing market as a sus
Business •
13 Oct '24
When the machines at the factory first started roaring over a decade ago, its senior management pledged to turn the venture into “an engine for development to support the livelihoods of vulnerable populations”. More than a decade since its inception in 2013, Atiak Sugar Factory con
Business •
12 Oct '24
Cocoa grows well on a wide range of soils but lose soils that allow movement of air and moisture, and root penetration is ideal. It must hold moisture in the soil during the dry season, as cocoa needs a regular supply of moisture for good growth. Cocoa can be grown in soils having a pH v
Business •
12 Oct '24
Over 130,000 residents who have been living in fear of eviction for more than 30 years after allegedly illegally occupying land belonging to Kyaka I refugee settlement in Kyaka South County, Kyegegwa District, feel relieved after President Museveni on Saturday rescinded his earlier decision
Business •
12 Oct '24
A presidential assistant and four clerical staff in the Office of the President are being held for questioning as part of a wider investigation into alleged corruption at State House and the Office of the President. Monitor could not readily identify the clerical staff who are being held
Business •
12 Oct '24
The government has terminated its agreement with Tibet-Hima Mining Company for the management and operation of Kilembe Mines, which is a major step forward for Uganda's mining industry.This judgment was taken in r
Business •
12 Oct '24
On Wednesday this week, we celebrated 62 years since independence. Deep down, we all know our independence from the British is in name only, there are signs everywhere, but Ugandans never allow such obstacles to stand in the way of fun. We already have a steady supply of depressing news and
Business •
12 Oct '24
In the early stages, Uganda's soils were considered fertile and little was done to improve productivity in a systematic way. However it was soon realised that crop yields in Uganda declined under continuous cultivation due to soil degradation like anywhere else. This is the thinking
Business •
12 Oct '24
Pawpaw, also known as papaya (Carica papaya) is a popular fruit in Uganda known for its abundant supply of vitamins, dietary fibre and minerals. It is mainly eaten fresh, and thus provides the much needed external enzymes such as papain and chymopapain that improve digestibility of food,