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How long does digestion take?

How long does digestion take?

Usually, I take two days before pooping. Is this normal and how long does food take to move from the mouth to the anus? Tobias Dear Tobias, What we eat as food is digested (into what we can absorb) in our alimentary canal, and the undigested waste is stored in the rectum before it ex

Ultimate Uganda

Peeling the nutritional power of onions

Peeling the nutritional power of onions

In the world of nutrition, the humble onion is often overshadowed by flashier superfoods. However, this everyday kitchen staple is a potent ally for health and wellness. From boosting heart health to enhancing immune function, onions offer a range of benefits that are hard to ignore. Amanda

Ultimate Uganda

A hand to hear: Using sign language to bridge the gap

A hand to hear: Using sign language to bridge the gap

The Deaf Awareness Week is an opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of sign language, promote inclusivity and recognise the contributions of the deaf community. In a world where communication is key, sign language plays a vital role in bridging the gap between the deaf and hear

Ultimate Uganda

Consumers put UNBS on notice over fake weighing scales

Consumers put UNBS on notice over fake weighing scales

Across various trading centres in the eastern region of Uganda, an alarming trend has emerged: traders exploiting customers using fake weighing scales. This deceitful practice allows traders to reap ill-gotten profits, leaving consumers with lighter wallets. "This is not the first time,"

Ultimate Uganda

Netanyahu tells Iran nowhere in Middle East is out of Israel's reach as land invasion looms

Netanyahu tells Iran nowhere in Middle East is out of Israel's reach as land invasion looms

Israel warned Iran on Monday that nowhere in the Middle East was beyond its reach and hinted at a land invasion of Lebanon after assassinating the leader of the Tehran-backed Hezbollah group, one of its biggest adversaries, in a Beirut suburb last week. "There is nowhere we will not go t

Ultimate Uganda

Uganda receives first batch of pipes for crude oil project

Uganda receives first batch of pipes for crude oil project

Uganda on Monday received the first batch of coated line pipes for the East African Crude Oil Pipeline, which was delivered to the main camp and pipe yard in Kyotera District, signalling the project developers’ intent to fast track the laying and construction of the cross-border pipeline i

Ultimate Uganda

Minister Babalanda Announces Burial Timeline For Former President Press Secretary Onapito Ekomoloit

Minister Babalanda Announces Burial Timeline For Former President Press Secretary Onapito Ekomoloit

Onapito EkomoloitThe Minister incharge of the presidency Milly Babalanda, has revealed more information concerning the burial timelines of former Amuria county MP and presidential press secretary Onapito Ekomoloit

Ultimate Uganda

INVESTOR SABOTAGE! DFCU bank on spot for freezing diaspora investor’s accounts after refusing to bribe top officials

INVESTOR SABOTAGE! DFCU bank on spot for freezing diaspora investor’s accounts after refusing to bribe top officials

Dennis Daniel Ssemugenyi left Uganda many years ago to seek greener pastures and his country of destination was Canada.He got a breakthrough ten years ago when together with European friends founded Dennis Daniel

Ultimate Uganda

Tense P Diddy interview with Wendy Williams resurfaces as they discuss her son

Tense P Diddy interview with Wendy Williams resurfaces as they discuss her son

Renowned TV host Wendy Williams spoke with now disgraced rapper P Diddy back in 2017, but what appeared to be an innocent chat about her son now looks completely different in fans' eyesAn awkward interview between 

Ultimate Uganda

Meghan Markle Hit With New Allegations After Staffers Praised Her For Being A 'Kind' Boss

Meghan Markle Hit With New Allegations After Staffers Praised Her For Being A 'Kind' Boss

Meghan Markle is under more scrutiny for her management style as another former staffer describes her as someone who could be a "demon" when things aren't going her way.The fresh allegations come after employees of the Sussexes described them a

Ultimate Uganda