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I was terrified to give birth, so I hired Meghan Markle’s doula

I was terrified to give birth, so I hired Meghan Markle’s doula

Anya Meyerowitz didn’t know if she wanted children, primarily out of fear about what would happen during her delivery. But an experience with a world-renowned childbirth pioneer – who also happened to ha

Ultimate Uganda

Dr Lilian Matovu: From being S.3 dropout to getting a PhD

Dr Lilian Matovu: From being S.3 dropout to getting a PhD

At the 74th graduation of Makerere University, Namutebi Abishag Lilian Matovu was among the 132 students awarded the coveted PhD, climaxing a journey she never dreamt would end the way it did.Like many children born to peasant families, education is never assured. Perhaps, this explains wh

Ultimate Uganda