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Details Emerge of 116 Arrests in Commanders' Meeting Before Christmas Crime Spike
According to police reports, AIGP Frank Mwesigwa, Uganda's Police Operations Director, has called an urgent meeting with Kampala metropolitan police commanders to address Christmas security concerns. The meeting aims to tackle rising incidents of insecurity in t

A FOOL & HIS GUN! Secrets of ‘violent’ Amb.Ogwang who drew a pistol at elders
The phrase “only a fool trusts his life to a weapon” means that trusting one’s life to a weapon is something only a fool would do.In the Bible, Proverbs defines a fool as someone who denies God’s auth

Four Teachers Arrested for Sharing Fake PLE Papers Online
(Kampala) – Police in Uganda have arrested four teachers accused of sharing fake Primary Leaving Examination (PLE) papers online in exchange for money, and they are expected to face charges in court on November 5, 2024. Uganda’s Police Force has confirmed the arrest of four teachers invol

Why convicts now outnumber remandees
Previously, the prisons had more inmates on remand than the convicts serving their various sentences. But the trajectory has in the recent past since changed with now the convicts being more than those on remand. Statistics obtained from the Prisons show that there are 41,065 convicts, w

Sebei elders on the spot over cashing in on defilement cases
Leaders in Sebei Sub-region have expressed concern that elders, in collusion with village chairpersons, are undermining efforts to combat teenage pregnancies and early marriages by informally settling defilement cases. According to the police, about 60 defilement cases are reported month

Activists push for non-custodial alternatives for minor offenses
Human rights activists have called for the implementation of non-custodial sentences to address Uganda’s prison congestion. The Commissioner of Prisons, Mr Apollo Baker Asinga, noted that between 2014 and 2015, the total prison population was about 42,619, but this number has since inc

Healing Through Connection: How Harris County Youth Village is Changing Lives with Animals
How Harris County Youth Village is connecting children and animals, providing second chancesHOUSTON – In a heartwarming initiative, a program in Harris County is dedicated to healing the emotional wounds of children and teens under their care. Their juvenile probation department’s camp

Supreme Court to decide on fate of Kazinda
The Supreme Court has said it will ,at a future date, pronounce itself on the appeal filed by the Attorney challenging the Constitutional Court’s ruling that ordered the immediate release of former principal accountant in the Office of Prime Minister Geoffrey