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What to eat on empty stomach: Start your day with these 6 power-packed no-caffeine foods

What to eat on empty stomach: Start your day with these 6 power-packed no-caffeine foods

Health benefits of apples: Packed with antioxidants, fibre, and natural sugars, apples offer a natural energy lift without the need for caffeine (Image: Canva)Caffeinated drinks rule the breakfast tables across most households around the world, probably because the quest for an energising

Ultimate Uganda

Should America strike back at Iran?

Should America strike back at Iran?

There’s no denying Iran’s proxy forces are great value for money. The regime’s support for its allied militias, including the Lebanese Hizbollah, Hamas and the Houthis, probably doesn’t exceed a few billion dollars per annum — perhaps even less, given that many have their own sources of

Ultimate Uganda