Business •
12 Oct '24
Cocoa grows well on a wide range of soils but lose soils that allow movement of air and moisture, and root penetration is ideal. It must hold moisture in the soil during the dry season, as cocoa needs a regular supply of moisture for good growth. Cocoa can be grown in soils having a pH v
Business •
12 Oct '24
A presidential assistant and four clerical staff in the Office of the President are being held for questioning as part of a wider investigation into alleged corruption at State House and the Office of the President. Monitor could not readily identify the clerical staff who are being held
Business •
12 Oct '24
Green gram is a leguminous crop that is widely cultivated in Uganda and several Asian countries. Green gram is a source of protein, fibre, iron, and vitamin C and has many health benefits. Green gram can be consumed as whole grains, split pulses, sprouts, or flour. Green gram is also
Business •
12 Oct '24
In the early stages, Uganda's soils were considered fertile and little was done to improve productivity in a systematic way. However it was soon realised that crop yields in Uganda declined under continuous cultivation due to soil degradation like anywhere else. This is the thinking
Business •
12 Oct '24
Before starting Crane Cargo, a transport and delivery company based in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, in 2019, Mr Anthony Balagadde accumulated eight years of experience as an operations manager in the US-side transportation and logistics industry. It helped a great deal that several peop
Business •
11 Oct '24
Bank of Uganda (BoU) has indicated that at least 74 supervised financial institutions now have access to the National Identification and Registration Authority (NIRA) database. The access, which is part of the plan to enhance the Know Your Customer (KYC) strategy as mitigation against fr
Business •
11 Oct '24
This yearâs Independence Day, celebrated yesterday, is more special than usual. Although the British declared Buganda a protectorate of the crown in 1894, it was not until the defeat of Omukama Kabalega of Bunyoro in 1899 that a tipping point in the subjugation of the existing pre-colon
Business •
11 Oct '24
You will be making 79 in November. With the benefit of hindsight, has Independence been worth it? Independence was a positive development that came at the right time. Colonialism was no longer viable. But, I am not sure whether we have successfully utilised Independence to the advantage
Business •
09 Oct '24
As the world faces the rising effects of climate change, there is an urgent need to rally the population and governments towards promoting environmentally friendly farming practices (agroecology). The challenge is pressing in developing countries, where industrial agriculture characteris
Business •
08 Oct '24
Women activists in the land sector have urged the government to implement reforms in land management to better protect women’s rights to land ownership and usage. As the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development intensifies land reforms through its Program Implementation Action