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PRIMEIs the EU coffee rule worthwhile?

PRIMEIs the EU coffee rule worthwhile?

The new regulation demanding coffee farmers and exporters to prove that the commodity did not contribute to deforestation before being allowed access to the European Union (EU) market has suddenly sent the sector regulator into an overdrive mode, if not, a state of uncertainty, Prosper Magaz

Ultimate Uganda

How more conferences will boost our economy

How more conferences will boost our economy

Briefly tell us about yourself.I have been the chief executive officer of Uganda Hotel Owners Association (UHOA) for the last eight years. I started as the first female CEO of this association. When I took over, I was the youngest person to hold this position.We started the association with

Ultimate Uganda

Enhancing love for Mathematics through CBC in Ugandan schools

Enhancing love for Mathematics through CBC in Ugandan schools

Mathematics has long been perceived as a challenging subject by many students and adults, despite its undeniable importance in everyday life and various professional fields. This negative perception often begins at an early age, leading to a lifelong aversion to the subject. However, with th

Ultimate Uganda

Ankole uses marathon to stop HIV in its tracks

Ankole uses marathon to stop HIV in its tracks

Ankole residents have turned to a marathon to combat the high HIV prevalence in the sub-region. According to the Uganda Aids Commission’s (UAC) 2024 report, 10 of the 13 districts in Ankole have higher HIV prevalence rates than the national average of 5.1 percent. Mbarara City leads wi

Ultimate Uganda

NMG introduces special desk for climate change

NMG introduces special desk for climate change

The year 2023 was confirmed as the warmest on record, with the average global temperature reaching 1.45°C, according to a World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) report.  This alarming increase in global warming is largely attributed to human-induced climate change, further exacerbated

Ultimate Uganda

Uganda-Kenyan border villages fuel new FGM

Uganda-Kenyan border villages fuel new FGM

Uganda – Kenya border villages in Karamoja and Sebei Sub-regions are still the hotspots where girls and women are being mutilated, Monitor has learnt. The Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) point focal person for Moroto District, Mr Moses Loru King, said cases of FGM at border villages h

Ultimate Uganda

PRIMEUganda’s debt remains sustainable, says IMF

PRIMEUganda’s debt remains sustainable, says IMF

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has said the political and economic contexts in Uganda are predictable and stable, and that the debt is sustainable, which puts the country in a better position for development. “The macroeconomic environment is not without challenges, with high

Ultimate Uganda

Concerns mount over Senegal fiscal shortfalls ahead of election

Concerns mount over Senegal fiscal shortfalls ahead of election

Senegal's slower economic growth, its widening fiscal deficit and a potential delay in International Monetary Fund financing could cloud the outlook ahead of November 17 parliamentary elections, analysts say. President Bassirou Diomaye Faye, just five months into the job, set the stage

Ultimate Uganda

Kyabazinga pledges next decade to climate action, development

Kyabazinga pledges next decade to climate action, development

The Kyabazinga (King) of Busoga, His Royal Highness William Nadiope IV, has dedicated the next 10 years of his reign to climate change mitigation and education. The 35-year-old monarch, while celebrating his 10th coronation anniversary at Bukungu Primary School in Buyende District last F

Ultimate Uganda

UMSC takes land dispute with Jinja hospital to Museveni

UMSC takes land dispute with Jinja hospital to Museveni

The Uganda Muslim Supreme Council (UMSC) in Jinja City has escalated its land dispute with Jinja Regional Referral Hospital to President Yoweri Museveni. The contested land, located at Plots 31-39, Nile Avenue, has been under a security order barring both parties from accessing it while

Ultimate Uganda