Business •
11 Oct '24
The Growth Opportunities and Productivity for Women Enterprises (GROW) Project has disbursed Shs18.9b in loans to 1,193 women entrepreneurs across Uganda, Minister of Gender, Labour and Social Development, Ms Betty Amongi, announced. "The 83 per cent loans going to women in small busines
Business •
08 Oct '24
How old were you in 1962? I was 14 and I was very lucky because I happened to have been raised in Katwe (a suburb in Kampala), so I walked to Kololo Airstrip where the Union Jack was to be lowered for the last time in Uganda at midnight. Everybody was excited. I witnessed the arrival
Business •
08 Oct '24
In a tale of two lifestyles and mixed fortunes, some richer Ugandans are dying earlier while their poorer counterparts are living longer. Our analysis of two separate reports from Uganda Bureau of Statistics (Ubos) and another from the World Bank show that people in regions with high pov
Business •
08 Oct '24
The 62nd independence event is happening when Uganda’s economy is ailing with a worsening trade deficit at $ 247.93 million as of June 2024. This is in addition to projected debt by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) of $993 million, increasing inequalities in all forms, unemployment,
Business •
08 Oct '24
Have you ever asked your child how school was today, only to be told it was “boring”? It’s a conversation sadly all-too-familiar to a lot of parents. Many are left wondering why and what they can do to help. It’s important to understand why your child may be feeling bored at
Business •
07 Oct '24
Transitioning from a corporate job to self-employment is bold and challenging. Stella Mugera: Pursuing passion Despite her fulfilling role as an economics policy analyst at the Uganda Local Governments (ULGA) Association, where she worked from 2008 to 2015, Mugera knew she wanted t
Business •
07 Oct '24
The High Court issued a judgement over the issue of the service award, saying it was not a legal issue. What is your overall view on that? You read the reasoning of the court. It’s called the ratio decidendi in the legal language. The reasoning of the court dissects real issues from he
Business •
06 Oct '24
Fufa celebrated 100 years of existence on Friday as a prelude to the centurion annual general meeting in Wakiso District. However, Ugandan football history dates back to the 19th century when it was first introduced by missionaries. We dig into this storied past in this timeline of events,
Business •
06 Oct '24
This past week, panic has gripped East Africans in the Middle East as Lebanon came under a hail of fire from Israel and tensions between Tel Aviv and Iran reached a crescendo. The Kenyan government has been struggling to get its nationals to register for evacuation, as some�
Business •
04 Oct '24
The 2024 National Population and Housing Census final report released yesterday reveals some interesting figures. The report shows Ugandans are living longer with average lifespan increasing from 63 to 68 years between 2014 and 2024. The report also reveals declines in child and mate