Business •
09 Oct '24
Bank of Uganda (BoU) has warned that there still exist risks such as geopolitical tensions, which could push up energy prices and freight costs, resulting in higher inflation in Uganda. Inflation has decelerated but Bank of Uganda noted in its Monetary Policy Report that the above and ot
Business •
08 Oct '24
Lord Jamar, an American rapper, DJ, record producer, actor, and podcaster, has expressed
Business •
08 Oct '24
In a tale of two lifestyles and mixed fortunes, some richer Ugandans are dying earlier while their poorer counterparts are living longer. Our analysis of two separate reports from Uganda Bureau of Statistics (Ubos) and another from the World Bank show that people in regions with high pov
Business •
08 Oct '24
The 62nd independence event is happening when Uganda’s economy is ailing with a worsening trade deficit at $ 247.93 million as of June 2024. This is in addition to projected debt by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) of $993 million, increasing inequalities in all forms, unemployment,
Business •
07 Oct '24
The High Court issued a judgement over the issue of the service award, saying it was not a legal issue. What is your overall view on that? You read the reasoning of the court. It’s called the ratio decidendi in the legal language. The reasoning of the court dissects real issues from he
Business •
06 Oct '24
The National Banana Research Programme (NBRP) under National Agricultural Research Organisation (Naro) situated at Kawanda is working with private processors of products from banana to discover the most practical banana-based products for mass production in Uganda. Various prototypes of
Business •
01 Oct '24
Usually, I take two days before pooping. Is this normal and how long does food take to move from the mouth to the anus? Tobias Dear Tobias, What we eat as food is digested (into what we can absorb) in our alimentary canal, and the undigested waste is stored in the rectum before it ex
Business •
26 Sep '24
Grief is a natural response to loss and a not a one-size-fits-all process. It comes in waves, often hitting one when you least expect it. One might experience a wide range of emotions, including sadness, anger, guilt, and even relief, depending on their spouse's illness or circumstances
Business •
26 Sep '24
Kampala’s abattoirs are grappling with significant sanitation challenges that raise concerns about public health and safety. Uganda Meat Packers Limited (City Abattoir), one of the oldest and largest slaughterhouses in Kampala, illustrates the dire conditions faced by slaughter facilities in the c
Business •
26 Sep '24
The Ugandan shilling and stock market experienced slight improvements on Wednesday, with modest gains recorded in both sectors. The shilling closed the day stronger at 3688/3698, up from its opening position of 3695/3705, while trading at the Uganda Securities Exchange (USE) saw five counters involv