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Teacher fights for wife’s life while struggling with mounting medical costs

Teacher fights for wife’s life while struggling with mounting medical costs

A teacher at Moroto Core PTC is urgently seeking assistance from well-wishers to cover Shs74 million in medical bills incurred after his wife underwent brain surgery at Mengo Hospital to remove a tumor. Mr John Dokolem, who has been a tutor at Moroto Core PTC since 1992, shared that he h

Ultimate Uganda

Abuja Mission crisis sparks queries on accountability

Abuja Mission crisis sparks queries on accountability

The Ugandan Mission in Abuja, Nigeria, is allegedly facing a financial crisis after its accounting officer, Mr Eriya Tusubira, was reportedly asked to return to Kampala. The Mission accuses Mr Tusubira of being absent from his post for more than six months and exhibiting unbecoming behav

Ultimate Uganda

NSSF savers set to get more than 10%

NSSF savers set to get more than 10%

Contributors to the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) can expect to receive more than the 10 percent interest they earned this year when the Finance minister announces the yield from the last financial year next week.  NSSF managing director Patrick Ayota said at a news conference in

Ultimate Uganda

Govt sued for putting law books behind paywall

Govt sued for putting law books behind paywall

Uganda Law Reform Commission has been sued for allegedly subjecting access to laws of Uganda to only purchased subscription and paid-up platforms. A group of thirteen lawyers yesterday filed a case before the High Court in Kampala challenging the Law Reform Commission's decision to ventu

Ultimate Uganda

PRIMEHow Facebook investment club has amassed Shs749m

PRIMEHow Facebook investment club has amassed Shs749m

Traditionally, investment clubs were small, community-based groups that met regularly to discuss opportunities and pool their resources into low-risk ventures. Today, this landscape has evolved. Modern investment clubs are now boldly pooling funds to venture into higher-risk assets and f

Ultimate Uganda

PRIMEIs the EU coffee rule worthwhile?

PRIMEIs the EU coffee rule worthwhile?

The new regulation demanding coffee farmers and exporters to prove that the commodity did not contribute to deforestation before being allowed access to the European Union (EU) market has suddenly sent the sector regulator into an overdrive mode, if not, a state of uncertainty, Prosper Magaz

Ultimate Uganda

Museveni steps in to resolve sugarcane price disputes

Museveni steps in to resolve sugarcane price disputes

President Yoweri Museveni has stepped in to address the ongoing conflict between sugar millers and sugarcane outgrowers over the fluctuation in sugarcane prices. This intervention comes after prolonged disagreements about the pricing of raw cane. Mr Museveni’s intervention is contained

Ultimate Uganda

Inside Uganda’s murky carbon offset markets

Inside Uganda’s murky carbon offset markets

According to the National Emergency Coordination and Operations Centre (NECOC), a loose outfit for disaster risk monitoring and profiling, in the Office of Prime Minister (OPM), large swathes of the Mt Elgon ranges are uninhabitable owing to susceptibility to a

Ultimate Uganda

 Third term headaches for students, parents

Third term headaches for students, parents

Schools open today for the third term that will see some students promoted to the next class or level or conclude their primary or secondary school journey.Dr Joyce Kaducu, the State Minister of Primary Education, said the 82-day term would run up to December 6. She said since there would

Ultimate Uganda

Only a Shimoni OB or OG can save Kampala

Only a Shimoni OB or OG can save Kampala

But some freshers! What is taking you to the library in these first weeks?There was a time things worked well in Kampala. As a school child, you could get away with everything. And we surely did. From calling 999

Ultimate Uganda