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 The new plot to earn you aura points in Kampala

The new plot to earn you aura points in Kampala

Sunday in Uganda was always the day when people repented of their sins and called the week, a week. On this day, we would raise our hands in the air, chant out lines such as ‘I wanna be tried by fire, purified…’ All one had to do was make it to Church, and

Ultimate Uganda

External Budget financing on the decline, says Kasaija

External Budget financing on the decline, says Kasaija

The Ministry of Finance, Planning, and Economic Development has said external financing for the National Budget is constantly on the decline.According to the ministry, this requires the government to strengthen do

Ultimate Uganda

If you want your relationship to thrive, say goodbye to these 12 behaviors

If you want your relationship to thrive, say goodbye to these 12 behaviors

In any romantic relationship, there will be plenty of good days, and some days where the two of you will clash. However, certain behaviors can create barriers that not only cause further conflicts but also prevent your relationship from growing into the best it

Ultimate Uganda

Parliament wants review of salary enhancements for security forces

Parliament wants review of salary enhancements for security forces

Minister Muruli Mukasa said the salary enhancements were being guided by a 2017 Cabinet decisionParliament has advised Cabinet to rethink salary enhancements for security forces saying the current arrangement is unfair to junior officers whose welfare is

Ultimate Uganda

Rwanda warns it ‘cannot guarantee how many migrants it will take’ in from UK

Rwanda warns it ‘cannot guarantee how many migrants it will take’ in from UK

Yolande Makolo offered a spirited defence of her country, saying it was"not a punishment" bit rather "a beautiful country, including the weather".Rishi Sunak's scheme is aimed at deterring migrants from crossing the channel (Image: GETTY)

Ultimate Uganda

If you want to move forward in life, stop wasting your time on these 12 things

If you want to move forward in life, stop wasting your time on these 12 things

Do you feel stuck or stagnant where you are in your life, but you aren’t sure how to move forward?Read this article to discover 12 thin

Ultimate Uganda

Uganda’s government by loot

Uganda’s government by loot

Why we need to rethink the ethics of our inherited state institutions and the democratic politics that underpin them.THE LAST WORD | Andrew M. Mwenda | The revelations of massive

Ultimate Uganda

Why bars, nightclubs are closing their doors

Why bars, nightclubs are closing their doors

The vibrant nightlife of Kampala, undoubtedly East Africa’s party hub, is undergoing a seismic shift as a wav

Ultimate Uganda