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Bush burning: Cherished, but fuelling climate catastrophes

Bush burning: Cherished, but fuelling climate catastrophes

Since time immemorial, during dry seasons, farmers in Lamwo District have burnt grass in their gardens to stimulate the growth of fresh green grass for their livestock and to enhance soil fertility. Smallholder farmers believe dry grass is not nutritious to their animals, and in a desper

Ultimate Uganda

PRIMEHow Facebook investment club has amassed Shs749m

PRIMEHow Facebook investment club has amassed Shs749m

Traditionally, investment clubs were small, community-based groups that met regularly to discuss opportunities and pool their resources into low-risk ventures. Today, this landscape has evolved. Modern investment clubs are now boldly pooling funds to venture into higher-risk assets and f

Ultimate Uganda

PRIMEIs the EU coffee rule worthwhile?

PRIMEIs the EU coffee rule worthwhile?

The new regulation demanding coffee farmers and exporters to prove that the commodity did not contribute to deforestation before being allowed access to the European Union (EU) market has suddenly sent the sector regulator into an overdrive mode, if not, a state of uncertainty, Prosper Magaz

Ultimate Uganda

How more conferences will boost our economy

How more conferences will boost our economy

Briefly tell us about yourself.I have been the chief executive officer of Uganda Hotel Owners Association (UHOA) for the last eight years. I started as the first female CEO of this association. When I took over, I was the youngest person to hold this position.We started the association with

Ultimate Uganda

Enhancing love for Mathematics through CBC in Ugandan schools

Enhancing love for Mathematics through CBC in Ugandan schools

Mathematics has long been perceived as a challenging subject by many students and adults, despite its undeniable importance in everyday life and various professional fields. This negative perception often begins at an early age, leading to a lifelong aversion to the subject. However, with th

Ultimate Uganda

PRIMENation left guessing on new Central Bank Governor for 970 days

PRIMENation left guessing on new Central Bank Governor for 970 days

The absence of a substantive Central Bank governor – a key figure in managing the economy – robs the country of much-needed expertise, experts have said.  The position has remained vacant for 969 days and counting following the death of Emmanuel Tumusiime-Mutebile in a Nairobi hospi

Ultimate Uganda

Janet to referee polls after dramatic NCHE power play

Janet to referee polls after dramatic NCHE power play

The Minister of Education and Sports, Ms Janet Museveni, has summoned vice-chancellors and senates of all public universities at State House to elect their representatives to the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) on September 17. According to a letter written to the VC of one

Ultimate Uganda

Kabarole raises alarm after HIV patients skip treatment

Kabarole raises alarm after HIV patients skip treatment

Kabarole District health officials report that a total of 298 people living with HIV/Aids have abandoned their antiretroviral therapy (ART) treatment, sparking concern over the high risk of continued transmission.

Ultimate Uganda

Tanzania to expand natural gas exports to neighboring countries

Tanzania to expand natural gas exports to neighboring countries

Tanzania is advancing plans to expand its natural gas exports to neighbouring countries, including Uganda, Kenya, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and Zambia, as it continues its ambition to become a regional cooking energy powerhouse.

Ultimate Uganda

Africa’s montane forests warm up faster on deforestation, study shows

Africa’s montane forests warm up faster on deforestation, study shows

Deforestation in Africa’s montane forests is driving a sharper rise in temperatures and cloud levels than climate change alone, endangering water resources in these critical ecosystems that supply millions across the continent, new research has shown.

Ultimate Uganda