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RICHARD KAY: Harold Wilson, the seducer so hapless that he left his slippers under his lover's bed at Chequers

RICHARD KAY: Harold Wilson, the seducer so hapless that he left his slippers under his lover's bed at Chequers

Until yesterday, the most cunning political mind of his generation had created for ­himself an enigmatic legacy of mystery and election-winning high intellect.Behind the clouds of egalitarian pipe smoke and an earthy ­Yorkshire accent, Harold Wilson mai

Ultimate Uganda

5 Quick Remedies To Treat Chronic Back Pain

5 Quick Remedies To Treat Chronic Back Pain

There are many natural remedies to soothe your back, which can help reduce the intake of medications or provide an added benefit to your existing medical treatment. Read on to know about pain-relieving strategies and find out what works best for you.

Ultimate Uganda

What Happens to Your Body if You Quit Sugar, Coffee and Alcohol for 30 Days?

What Happens to Your Body if You Quit Sugar, Coffee and Alcohol for 30 Days?

Do you know what happens to your body if you quit sugar, coffee and alcohol for 30 days? Luckily, you don’t need to try it for yourself but rather lean on the experiment that Trevor Hash did.

Ultimate Uganda

Why bars, nightclubs are closing their doors

Why bars, nightclubs are closing their doors

The vibrant nightlife of Kampala, undoubtedly East Africa’s party hub, is undergoing a seismic shift as a wav

Ultimate Uganda