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Vandals, inside theft and ageing grid damn UETCL

Vandals, inside theft and ageing grid damn UETCL

The amount of money that the Uganda Electricity Transmission Co Ltd (UETCL) spends to transmit electricity has significantly risen due to an ageing grid, a 2023 value-for-money audit by the Auditor General (AG) has revealed.The audit shows that the actual expenditure for some of the activi

Ultimate Uganda

Overcoming Fear: Type 1 Diabetics Encouraged to Exercise Safely and Effectively

Overcoming Fear: Type 1 Diabetics Encouraged to Exercise Safely and Effectively

Fear of experiencing low blood sugar levels deters many individuals with Type 1 diabetes from engaging in physical activity, a recent study reveals. Managing Diabetes with ExerciseThe fear of suffering a blood sug

Ultimate Uganda

Stepmother arrested after Kyankwanzi baby found strangled in pit

Stepmother arrested after Kyankwanzi baby found strangled in pit

Police in Kyankwanzi District are holding two suspects in connection with the death of a baby whose body was retrieved from a newly dug pit at the home of her parents in Kiryanongo Sub-county.The body was recovere

Ultimate Uganda

Louisiana Drinking Water Loan Program Faces Financial Concerns in Recent Audit

Louisiana Drinking Water Loan Program Faces Financial Concerns in Recent Audit

According to a recent audit conducted by the Louisiana Legislative Auditor's Office, the Louisiana Office of Public Health has come under scrutiny for its mismanagement of finances in the clean drinking water fund for the fiscal year ending in June 2023. Audit F

Ultimate Uganda

Injured Bobi Wine Makes Surprising Visit to Remanded Party Members

Injured Bobi Wine Makes Surprising Visit to Remanded Party Members

(Kampala) – Opposition leader Robert Kyagulanyi, known as Bobi Wine, provided a status report on comrades Archileo Kivumbi, Magala Umar, and Bobi Young, who are currently on remand at Luzira Maximum Security Prison. These individuals face charges related to th

Ultimate Uganda

Kumi man kills lover, runs

Kumi man kills lover, runs

The police in Kumi are investigating the death of Sulaima Musa, a 24-year-old peasant and resident of Nandala cell, Nandala ward, Nakaloke municipality, Mbale city. The incident occurred o

Ultimate Uganda

PDM: LCII chairperson detained over extortion

PDM: LCII chairperson detained over extortion

A Local Council official in Bukamansimbi District has been arrested on the directive of the Resident District Commissioner (RDC) on allegations of soliciting bribes from beneficiaries of PDM funds.Mr Bak

Ultimate Uganda

Kyotera Businessman Robbed 150 Million Shillings in Broad Daylight

Kyotera Businessman Robbed 150 Million Shillings in Broad Daylight

Police in Kyotera district are investigating an armed robbery in which assailants stole 150 million shillings from Pulinali Semanda, a 53-year-old businessman and owner of Zavuga Coffee Investments.The incident oc

Ultimate Uganda

90-Year-Old Woman Stoned to Death in Lira City After Accusations of Witchcraft

90-Year-Old Woman Stoned to Death in Lira City After Accusations of Witchcraft

The Lira City CPS is currently investigating the suspected mob murder of 90-year-old Epila Mary, which occurred on September 9, 2024, at 14:45 in Gwengabara cell, Boroboro West Ward, Lira City East Division.On the

Ultimate Uganda

Man stabbed to death over making love with married woman

Man stabbed to death over making love with married woman

Ignitious Nyansiyo has become another statistic in this year's homicide records after he was killed inside a married woman’s bedroom. Nyansiyo, a resident of Ngowa village, Katente Parish, Kiyun Sub-county in Mubende district, was allegedly killed by the

Ultimate Uganda