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Tips to Help Your Older Dog Adjust to a New Puppy

Tips to Help Your Older Dog Adjust to a New Puppy

With a little patience and care, you can help your older dog adjust to a new puppy and ensure a harmonious bond between them. Understanding Your Dog's Behavior If your older dog is showing signs of jealousy towards the new puppy, it's important to understand that this behavior stems from a sense of

Ultimate Uganda

Discover What You Truly Desire: Libra Horoscope

Discover What You Truly Desire: Libra Horoscope

Put solid plans in place before deciding to move. Knowing what you want is half the battle. Listen, learn and evaluate instead of following the crowd. Explore what makes you happy and pursue directions that help build confidence and a healthy lifestyle. Romance is favored. Refrain from falling into

Ultimate Uganda

PRIMENation left guessing on new Central Bank Governor for 970 days

PRIMENation left guessing on new Central Bank Governor for 970 days

The absence of a substantive Central Bank governor – a key figure in managing the economy – robs the country of much-needed expertise, experts have said.  The position has remained vacant for 969 days and counting following the death of Emmanuel Tumusiime-Mutebile in a Nairobi hospi

Ultimate Uganda

Uganda lost Shs30b to corruption in FY2023-24, says IGG

Uganda lost Shs30b to corruption in FY2023-24, says IGG

The Inspectorate of Government said Uganda lost at least Shs30 billion to the corrupt and registered about 2, 377 graft related complaints in the Financial Year 2023/24, the Ombudsman said on Monday.  Accor

Ultimate Uganda

Embattled Speaker Among fights back

Embattled Speaker Among fights back

LOP Ssenyonyi under siege as parliament moves from Kampala COVER STORY | IAN KATUSIIME | In her two year tenure following corruption scandals and international sanctions, under pressur

Ultimate Uganda

Museveni to courts: No bail for corruption suspects

Museveni to courts: No bail for corruption suspects

President Museveni has asked the judiciary to include corruption on the list of unbailable cases“We should easily defeat the corruption. The only support we need from the judiciary is no bail for those accused of murder, treason, terrorism, rape, defile

Ultimate Uganda

Museveni: Why I Didn’t Block MPs’ Huge Salary Increment

Museveni: Why I Didn’t Block MPs’ Huge Salary Increment

MPs’ Mistakes Distorted Historical Mission – PresidentMuseveni, his wife Janet and Speaker Anita Among and deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa (behind). Courtesy PhotoUgandan President Yoweri Museveni has explained why he did not block deci

Ultimate Uganda

RICHARD KAY: Harold Wilson, the seducer so hapless that he left his slippers under his lover's bed at Chequers

RICHARD KAY: Harold Wilson, the seducer so hapless that he left his slippers under his lover's bed at Chequers

Until yesterday, the most cunning political mind of his generation had created for ­himself an enigmatic legacy of mystery and election-winning high intellect.Behind the clouds of egalitarian pipe smoke and an earthy ­Yorkshire accent, Harold Wilson mai

Ultimate Uganda

Government Seeks 79 Billion Shillings for Merging Agencies

Government Seeks 79 Billion Shillings for Merging Agencies

The Committee on Public Service and Local Government, led by Hon. Martin Ojara Mapenduzi, has put forth a recommendation for the allocation of Shs79.3 billion in the Financial Year 2024/25 to facilitate the merging of government agencies. This proposal emanates from the Ministry of Public Service

Ultimate Uganda